April 26, 2013, 10:52:39 Last Edit: April 26, 2013, 11:56:43 by watchman
Good afternoon everybody,

After the new installation from Ubuntu 13.04 i see that the tags are for a few values empty.
I just made an update from Ubuntu 12.04 to 13.04.

Not all tags are empty.
Tags are empty in style and theme.

But i also see that the fields style and theme i can´t make them visible in preferences - fields. I did disabled them but its still not visible after a restart. 

Maybe thats the reason that its empty?

Already thanks,

Mario  ;)

I don't understand what you are saying.
Have you copied/kept your ~/.config/gmusicbrowser/ ?

Yes i did. But when i save the value in the tag then i should be there right? Doesn´t matter íf i keep it or not. When you save values to your tag then i should be part off your file.

But i copied the config/musicbrowser in 13.04.

1) Sadly, of the extra fields used by the albuminfo plugin, currently only the mood field can be saved to tags, not style and theme. This is mostly because I don't know of a standard tag for these fields. If you know of one let me know. Of course if no app is saving this kind of fields, I could create a new tag for them.
2) if you don't see values for these fields (as well as play stats, labels, and a few other things), it means gmb didn't recognize the new file as being the old file. Maybe because you have changed the path. Currently gmb is not very good at recognizing old files. Though if only the path has changed they will be recognized without problem, provided you first removed them from the library, I plan to remove that condition but currently it is needed.
A faster alternative is to replace the old path by the new path in the gmbrc (it is described in the faq).
The best thing to do for the future, is to use symbolic links so that your music is always in the same path (for example ~/Music), regardless of which disk it is or where it is mounted.

Yes you are right. I changed the folder name. I made a mistake when i install Ubuntu to change the computername.
Before the name was : /media/mario/Geheugen/Music/
It is now : /media/mariowatch/Geheugen/Music/

I read the FAQ about : 
perl -pi.premove -e 's#/OLD_FOLDER/#/home/MY_NAME/Music/#g' ~/.config/gmusicbrowser/gmbrc.

What will it be now to change the path?


Well you replace /OLD_FOLDER/ by /media/mario/Geheugen/Music/ and /home/MY_NAME/Music/ by whatever you want, you could replace it by  /media/mariowatch/Geheugen/Music/ but my advice is to use a symbolic link so that it never changes. For example I use /home/squentin/Music/ which is a symbolic link to wherever I have mounted my music.
Example assuming you want to use /home/watchman/Music as your music's permanent path :
perl -pi.premove -e 's#/media/mario/Geheugen/Music/#/home/watchman/Music/#g' ~/.config/gmusicbrowser/gmbrc
ln -s /media/mariowatch/Geheugen/Music  /home/watchman/Music

the second line creates the symbolic link, note that if   /home/watchman/Music already exists you'll have to remove/rename it