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Topics - mgrubert

French / Encore et toujours GMB (malgré tout)
October 21, 2015, 16:48:13
Salut Quentin,

J'ai réinstallé ma distribution (Ubuntu Gnome) un peu vite, sans sauvegarder mon home (mes documents persos sont tjs sur une partition à part avec des liens symboliques créés à chaque fois) du coup j'ai perdu mon .config et en particulier mon apparence GMB (pas très loin de Garage 6 implémenté par défaut, mais amélioré et non mis en ligne) et mes fichiers de configuration de GMB (filtres, et tout ça).

Du coup je me suis dit, à l'installation, que j'allais passer à un autre lecteur par défaut, un de ceux qui fonctionnent "out of the box" quand GMB demande un peu d'investissement.

En vue : Clémentine que j'avais déjà repéré.

Après deux jours me revoilà sous GMB : Clémentine a des fonctions puissantes de recherche de paroles (énormément de sources), équaliseur, gestion de Dropbox, etc. Bref, c'est, de mon point de vue, un lecteur moderne, quand gmb date un peu.

Seulement tout cela, ce sont pour moi des gadgets. Parmi le cœur des lecteurs il y a la gestion des tags multiples, ce que fait GMB et pas Clémentine, et les plugins de Laite, dont l'essentiel (à mes yeux) lastfm_pcget. Et parmi les gadgets de GMB, le renommage de masse.

Donc de retour.

Merci encore.
French / Vérifier la présence de pochettes
March 09, 2014, 09:57:36
Salut Quentin,

Je viens de réinstaller gmusicbrowser sur une nouvelle machine et lors de la première recherche il y a eu un bug quelconque (je faisais plein de trucs en même temps sur la version beta de Ubuntu GNOME, c'est plus ou moins normal) qui a fait que, si toutes les chansons étaient bien là, les pochettes n'étaient pas chargées (quelques-unes mais la plupart non). J'ai commencé à associer à la main et au bout de 3 heures j'en ai eu marre.
J'ai changé le répertoire musical mentionné dans les paramètres (vidage de la bibliothèque) puis je l'ai remis et les pochettes ont été reconnues.
Je sais que tu prévois d'améliorer la gestion des pochettes un jour, mais le processus qui se met en route lors du premier examen de la bibliothèque fonctionne déjà, aussi je m'étonne qu'il n'y ait pas, à côté de "vérifier les nouveaux titres", une fonction "vérifier l'apparition de pochettes" qui relancerait le processus, au moins pour les pochettes.

Sur ce, salutations, et merci encore pour gmb (j'ai essayé rhythmbox fournit par défaut, il a planté la première fois et n'a jamais ensuite voulu charger ma bibliothèque... il s'est quand même permis d'ajouter une pochette d'album sous le nom Folder.jpg dans la moitié de mes répertoires alors que j'avais déjà des cover.jpg partout - je déteste ces applications qui se permettent d'écrire des trucs dans les répertoires que tu as mis des années à bien ranger comme Rhythmbox ou shotwell - du coup je n'ai pas insisté).
Hi guys,

I just buy a new pc and install Ubuntu on it, and, obviously gmusicbrowser.

I use my personal layout (joined) with a little button on right bottom to open a new panel (with queue, lyrics, etc.).

When I use this fonctionnality, gmusicbrowser window become larger than my screen.
How tweak my layout to not become larger than my screen ?

Questions / Problem in Fedora 18
January 24, 2013, 05:43:57
I try Fedora 18 for few days.
Yesterday gmb rules.
Today it doesn't launch anymore.

It seems there is a problem with, line 1771 :
($InterB->set_visible( $mask=~m/i/ );

Error message when launching from terminal :
majorgrubert@localhost ~$ gmusicbrowser
GStreamer::Interfaces perl module not found -> visuals not available
Reading saved tags in /home/majorgrubert/.config/gmusicbrowser/gmbrc ...
Useless use of private variable in void context at /home/majorgrubert/.config/gmusicbrowser/plugins/ line 237.
Reading saved tags in /home/majorgrubert/.config/gmusicbrowser/gmbrc ... done
These commands were not found : mpg123, mpg321
=> these file types won't be played by the 123 output : mp3
Usage: Gtk2::Widget::set_visible(widget, visible) at /usr/bin/../share/gmusicbrowser/ line 1771.

With -debug :
gmusicbrowser -debug
print() on closed filehandle $fifofh at /usr/bin/gmusicbrowser line 313. : Digest::CRC not found, using slow pure-perl replacement.
GStreamer::Interfaces perl module not found -> visuals not available
Reading plugin /usr/bin/../share/gmusicbrowser/plugins/
found plugin ALBUMINFO (Info sur l'album)
Reading plugin /usr/bin/../share/gmusicbrowser/plugins/
found plugin ARTISTINFO (Info sur l'artiste)
Reading plugin /usr/bin/../share/gmusicbrowser/plugins/
found plugin AUDIOSCROBBLER (
Reading plugin /usr/bin/../share/gmusicbrowser/plugins/
found plugin AUTOSAVE (Sauvegarde automatique)
Reading plugin /usr/bin/../share/gmusicbrowser/plugins/
found plugin DesktopWidgets (Gadgets de bureau)
Reading plugin /usr/bin/../share/gmusicbrowser/plugins/
found plugin Export (Export)
Reading plugin /usr/bin/../share/gmusicbrowser/plugins/
found plugin FETCHCOVER (Recherche d'images)
Reading plugin /usr/bin/../share/gmusicbrowser/plugins/
found plugin GMMKEYS (mmkeys Gnome)
Reading plugin /usr/bin/../share/gmusicbrowser/plugins/
found plugin Karaoke (Karaok?)
Reading plugin /usr/bin/../share/gmusicbrowser/plugins/
found plugin LULLABY (Lullaby)
Reading plugin /usr/bin/../share/gmusicbrowser/plugins/
found plugin LYRICS (Paroles)
Reading plugin /usr/bin/../share/gmusicbrowser/plugins/
found plugin MPRIS (MPRIS v1)
Reading plugin /usr/bin/../share/gmusicbrowser/plugins/
found plugin MPRIS2 (MPRIS v2)
Reading plugin /usr/bin/../share/gmusicbrowser/plugins/
found plugin NOTIFY (Notifications)
Reading plugin /usr/bin/../share/gmusicbrowser/plugins/
found plugin NOWPLAYING (Chanson en cours)
Reading plugin /usr/bin/../share/gmusicbrowser/plugins/
found plugin RIP (Extraction)
Reading plugin /usr/bin/../share/gmusicbrowser/plugins/
found plugin TitleBar (Barre de titre)
Reading plugin /usr/bin/../share/gmusicbrowser/plugins/
found plugin WebContext (Contexte Web)
Reading plugin /home/majorgrubert/.config/gmusicbrowser/plugins/
Reading plugin /home/majorgrubert/.config/gmusicbrowser/plugins/
found plugin ALBUMRANDOM (Albumrandom)
Reading plugin /home/majorgrubert/.config/gmusicbrowser/plugins/
found plugin EPICRATING (EpicRating)
Reading plugin /home/majorgrubert/.config/gmusicbrowser/plugins/
found plugin LASTFM_PCGET (lastfm_pcGet)
Reading saved tags in /home/majorgrubert/.config/gmusicbrowser/gmbrc ...
Useless use of private variable in void context at /home/majorgrubert/.config/gmusicbrowser/plugins/ line 237.
@Fields=album_shuffle replaygain_album_gain skipcount file grouping replaygain_track_peak list title bitrate added channel title_or_file size album_artist_raw shuffle playcount replaygain_track_gain version path length disc year barefilename fullfilename_raw compilation modif lastskip replaygain_reference_level genre embedded_pictures label replaygain_album_peak samprate filetype missing rating lastplay embedded_lyrics length_estimated extension track artist comment ratingnumber artists first_artist version_or_empty uri artist_picture fullfilename album album_picture missingkey album_years album_artist
adding update code for artists
makesub filter=missing:e:0
filter=missing:e:0 $sub=eval ; sub{ [ grep {vec($Songs::Songs_missing__,$_,32) == 0} @{$_[0]} ]; }
makesub filter=missing:-e:0
filter=missing:-e:0 $sub=eval ; sub{ [ grep {vec($Songs::Songs_missing__,$_,32) != 0} @{$_[0]} ]; }
Reading saved tags in /home/majorgrubert/.config/gmusicbrowser/gmbrc ... done
These commands were not found : mpg123, mpg321
=> these file types won't be played by the 123 output : mp3
makesub filter=
sort (path album disc track file) : 0,0600000000000001 s
HasChanged SongArray -> updating CODE(0x3a5c988)
HasChanged Playlist -> updating CODE(0x3a428e0)
Plugin ALBUMINFO activated.
Plugin ARTISTINFO activated.
watch PlayingSong GMB::Plugin::AUDIOSCROBBLER=HASH(0x4bf0e68)
watch Played GMB::Plugin::AUDIOSCROBBLER=HASH(0x4bf0e68)
watch Save GMB::Plugin::AUDIOSCROBBLER=HASH(0x4bf0e68)
Plugin AUDIOSCROBBLER activated.
Plugin AUTOSAVE activated.
watch Played GMB::Plugin::EPICRATING=HASH(0x4ea3b68)
Plugin EPICRATING activated.
Plugin FETCHCOVER activated.
Plugin GMMKEYS activated.
watch PlayingSong GMB::Plugin::LASTFM_PCGET=HASH(0x4f7f110)
Plugin LASTFM_PCGET activated.
Plugin LYRICS activated.
watch Seek GMB::DBus::MPRIS2=HASH(0x4c6d358)
watch Playing GMB::DBus::MPRIS2=HASH(0x4c6d358)
watch CurSong GMB::DBus::MPRIS2=HASH(0x4c6d358)
watch CurSongID GMB::DBus::MPRIS2=HASH(0x4c6d358)
watch Queue GMB::DBus::MPRIS2=HASH(0x4c6d358)
watch Sort GMB::DBus::MPRIS2=HASH(0x4c6d358)
watch Repeat GMB::DBus::MPRIS2=HASH(0x4c6d358)
watch Playlist GMB::DBus::MPRIS2=HASH(0x4c6d358)
watch Lock GMB::DBus::MPRIS2=HASH(0x4c6d358)
watch Vol GMB::DBus::MPRIS2=HASH(0x4c6d358)
Plugin MPRIS2 activated.
watch PlayingSong Gtk2::Notify=HASH(0x4c6d868)
Plugin NOTIFY activated.
Plugin WebContext activated.
watch Save Layout::Window=HASH(0x5c8a8a8)
watch SavedLists Layout::NoteBook=HASH(0x4c6fce0)
watch Widgets Layout::NoteBook=HASH(0x4c6fce0)
watch HiddenWidgets Layout::TogButton=HASH(0x4c70f08)
watch HiddenWidgets Layout::TogButton=HASH(0x4c6eb20)
watch Sort Layout::Button=HASH(0x4c6eaa8)
watch SavedWRandoms Layout::Button=HASH(0x4c6eaa8)
watch SavedSorts Layout::Button=HASH(0x4c6eaa8)
watch Filter Layout::Button=HASH(0x4c6e910)
watch SavedFilters Layout::Button=HASH(0x4c6e910)
watch Queue Layout::Button=HASH(0x4c74928)
watch QueueAction Layout::Button=HASH(0x4c74928)
ListLength: 0 Songs, 0 sec, 0 bytes
watch Pos Layout::Label=HASH(0x4c6e8e0)
watch Queue Layout::Label=HASH(0x4c6e8e0)
watch Filter Layout::Label=HASH(0x4c6e8e0)
watch SongsChanged LabelTotal=HASH(0x4c6eaf0)
unwatch filter Global(97036456) LabelTotal=HASH(0x4c6eaf0)
unwatch Selection_Global(97036456) LabelTotal=HASH(0x4c6eaf0)
unwatch SongArray LabelTotal=HASH(0x4c6eaf0)
unwatch SongsAdded LabelTotal=HASH(0x4c6eaf0)
unwatch SongsRemoved LabelTotal=HASH(0x4c6eaf0)
watch SongArray LabelTotal=HASH(0x4c6eaf0)
watch CurSong Layout::PictureBrowser=HASH(0x4c6ea00)
watch Picture_artist FilterList=HASH(0x4c736a0)
watch Picture_album FilterList=HASH(0x4c736a0)
watch SearchText_Global(97036456) FilterList=HASH(0x4c736a0)
watch Picture_artist FilterList=HASH(0x3eae7e8)
watch Picture_album FilterList=HASH(0x3eae7e8)
watch SearchText_Global(97036456) FilterList=HASH(0x3eae7e8)
watch Picture_artist FilterList=HASH(0x3eae7b8)
watch Picture_album FilterList=HASH(0x3eae7b8)
watch SearchText_Global(97036456) FilterList=HASH(0x3eae7b8)
watch Picture_artist FilterList=HASH(0x351c140)
watch Picture_album FilterList=HASH(0x351c140)
watch SearchText_Global(97036456) FilterList=HASH(0x351c140)
Usage: Gtk2::Widget::set_visible(widget, visible) at /usr/bin/../share/gmusicbrowser/ line 1771.
unwatch HiddenWidgets Layout::TogButton=HASH(0x4c70f08)
unwatch SavedWRandoms Layout::Button=HASH(0x4c6eaa8)
unwatch SavedSorts Layout::Button=HASH(0x4c6eaa8)
unwatch Sort Layout::Button=HASH(0x4c6eaa8)
unwatch QueueAction Layout::Button=HASH(0x4c74928)
unwatch Queue Layout::Button=HASH(0x4c74928)
unwatch Filter Layout::Label=HASH(0x4c6e8e0)
unwatch Pos Layout::Label=HASH(0x4c6e8e0)
unwatch Queue Layout::Label=HASH(0x4c6e8e0)
unwatch filter Global(97036456) LabelTotal=HASH(0x4c6eaf0)
unwatch Selection_Global(97036456) LabelTotal=HASH(0x4c6eaf0)
unwatch SongArray LabelTotal=HASH(0x4c6eaf0)
unwatch SongsAdded LabelTotal=HASH(0x4c6eaf0)
unwatch SongsRemoved LabelTotal=HASH(0x4c6eaf0)
unwatch Picture_album FilterList=HASH(0x4c736a0)
unwatch SearchText_Global(97036456) FilterList=HASH(0x4c736a0)
unwatch Picture_artist FilterList=HASH(0x4c736a0)
unwatch Picture_album FilterList=HASH(0x3eae7e8)
unwatch SearchText_Global(97036456) FilterList=HASH(0x3eae7e8)
unwatch Picture_artist FilterList=HASH(0x3eae7e8)
unwatch Picture_album FilterList=HASH(0x3eae7b8)
unwatch SearchText_Global(97036456) FilterList=HASH(0x3eae7b8)
unwatch Picture_artist FilterList=HASH(0x3eae7b8)
unwatch Picture_album FilterList=HASH(0x351c140)
unwatch SearchText_Global(97036456) FilterList=HASH(0x351c140)
unwatch Picture_artist FilterList=HASH(0x351c140)

An idea ?
With gmb, sometime the sound "crash". I can hear the music sound beyond the "crash". On slow volume there is just a small crash.
It usually happens at first song played, or at end of the song / beginning of a new song.

May be it's a Quantal problem, or a sound card compatibility, but I report the bug, just in case.

I can test what you want.

I will report if I find a soluce.

It was a Quantal problem, solved with the last updates (containing Pulse audio update).
Launching GMB is very long on my new Ubuntu Quantal OS and the system is freezed during the launching time.

I just add ochosi PPA to get newest gmb version but I have a bug : when I click on some dynamic filter created with an older version (1.1.9 in Ubuntu 12.04), "added today" for instance, GMB closes immediatly. Same problem when I clic in some item in other filter (artists, etc.) but not each time : for some artist, clic is allowed, for other clic close GMB.

In terminal mode, this message : "Not an ARRAY reference at /usr/bin/../share/gmusicbrowser/ line 5017."

An idea ?
Customization / [Layout] Parking6
July 10, 2012, 09:46:24
After a discussion here, I have made a new layout :

Standard view (the "+" in status open context panel) :

Context panel (buttons on top to change panel : lyrics, queue, internet info, cover, file info and close panel) :

Edit on 13th july : some init for album panel (was artist panel) changes
Edit on 22th july : many changes concerning context panel (how to show it and more)
French / [news] Mon site
July 09, 2012, 23:11:10
J'ai ouvert un site, plutôt consacré à Gnome Shell, mais j'y parle aussi de Gmusicbrowser.
First install dconf-tools, if not :
sudo apt-get install dconf-tools
Second run dconf-editor :
Browse to desktop.unity.panel to find the field : systray-whitelist and add gmusicbrowser to the list.
Before field contains, for instance :
['JavaEmbeddedFrame', 'Wine', 'scp-dbus-service', 'Update-notifier', 'clementine']
After field contains :
['JavaEmbeddedFrame', 'Wine', 'scp-dbus-service', 'Update-notifier', 'clementine','gmusicbrowser']

Suggestion for Quentin : Make gmusicbrowser modify this field during installation
When I launch gmb, a segmentation error occurs :
print() on closed filehandle $fifofh at /usr/bin/gmusicbrowser line 313.
Reading saved tags in /home/minorgrubert/.config/gmusicbrowser/gmbrc ...
Reading saved tags in /home/minorgrubert/.config/gmusicbrowser/gmbrc ... done
Erreur de segmentation (core dumped)

I try with abo ppa oneiric, abo ppa precise,  abo ppa natty, shimmer ppa oneiric and shimmer ppa precise.

Works on Mint12 (based on Ubuntu oneiric).

My ~/.config/gmusicbrowser is shared (with simlink).

An idea ?

Customization / [Layout] Parking5
January 24, 2012, 22:03:28
Only tested with gmb 1.1.8

Small Parking4 upgrade with ability to increase/decrease left filter number (from 1 to 4) and leave of sidebar option.
I work with this layout several month ago and, for me, it matches exactly to what I want, so I stop my work on layout.

With 3 filters on left :

With 2 filters and context panel on :


Questions / Small bug in Shimmer desktop
December 24, 2011, 09:37:43
line 35 :
HBStatus = 3Total(format=short,relief=none,button=1,mode=library) -2Sort(button=1,tip=_"Right-click to toggle shuffle/random") -2Filter(button=1,tip=_"Right-click to remove filters") -2ToggleButton3(icon=gmb-picture,relief=none,size=menu,widget=FRCover,tip=_"Show/Hide Cover")
have to be exchanged with :
HBStatus = 3Total(format=short,relief=none,button=1,mode=library) -2Sort(button=1,tip=_"Right-click to toggle shuffle/random") -2Filter(button=1,tip=_"Right-click to remove filters") -2ToggleButton3(icon=gmb-picture,relief=none,size=menu,widget=Cover,tip=_"Show/Hide Cover")
to make the "cover button" work
Questions / Pb with Gnome Shell
December 23, 2011, 08:12:59
Hi Quentin,

I have some problems with gmb and Gnome Shell.

I have "Window List" extension activate.
I launch GMB -> GMB is on the Window List (OK)
I reduce GMB -> GMB is on the Window List (OK)
I reduce to systray GMB -> GMB isn't on the Window List (OK)
I clic to maximize GMB from the systray -> GMB is maximized but not in Window List

Other problem :
GMB doesn't appear in Media Menu with Media player indicator extension or  MPRIS Player Control extension, unlike Rhythmbox, Clementine or Banshee.
The only Media Menu working with GMB is Music Integration extension

I have open a bug in Window List launchpad (here and here) but may be the problem is in GMB.

Customization / [Layout] Parking4
December 20, 2011, 08:02:18
Only tested on gmb 1.1.8
Save joined file in ~/.config/gmusicbrowser/layouts and load Garage/Parking4 from setting.

Standard (classic/with sidebar, left panel ON - library and artist panel ON -, context OFF) :

With context (classic/with sidebar, left panel ON - library and artist panel ON -, context ON) :

For babylaptop, here an Eee PC (classic/with sidebar, left panel ON - library OFF, artist ON -, context OFF) :

For babylaptop, here an Eee PC (classic/with sidebar, left panel OFF, context OFF) :
Suggestions / Smallest bug o the world
December 15, 2011, 16:56:28
There is a small bug in information window in Normal+Button mode :
Need a space after current time.
Showed by the mouse on the picture :
Customization / [Layout] Parking3
December 05, 2011, 16:13:53
Only tested with gmusicbrowser 1.1.8
Saved joined file in ~/.config/gmusicbrowser/layouts and you'll be able to use this layout in Garage layouts

Classic with left panel :

Classic without left panel (small laptop mode) :

With sidebar without left panel (baby laptop mode)
Customization / [Layout] Nice tweak (IMO)
November 29, 2011, 19:05:10
I wanted 2 searchs fields (one current, the second optional) in my layout and the ability to mask both search fields. And only one button to switch beetween the three options :
Default : No search field
Clic on button "search" : Search field 1
Clic on button "search" :  Search field 2
Clic on button "search" : No search field

Now the tweak :

Window = hidden=SearchBox1|SearchBox2|VBSearch2|VBSearch3
HBSearchButton = VBSearch1 \ #button showed
       VBSearch2 \ #hidden
       VBSearch3 #hidden
VBSearch1 = ToggleButton1(icon=gtk-find,widget=SearchBox1|VBSearch2,togglegroup=1,tip=_"Switch between search fields")
VBSearch2 = ToggleButton2icon=gtk-find,widget=SearchBox2|VBSearch3,togglegroup=1,tip=_"Switch between search fields")
VBSearch3 = ToggleButton3(icon=gtk-find,widget=VBSearch1,togglegroup=1,tip=_"Switch between search fields")

Explanation :
First clic : VBSearch1 (button) hidden, SearchBox1 (search field 1) showed, VBSearch2 (button) showed
Second clic : VBSearch2 (button) hidden, SearchBox1 hidden, SearchBox2 (search field 2) showed, VBSearch3 (button) showed
Third clic : VBsearch3 hidden, SearchBox2 hidden, VBSearch1 showed

There is no visible difference beetween the 3 search buttons so it seems there is only one button search to switch beetween SearchBox1/SearchBox2/No SearchBox

I'm proud of this tweak  ;D

You can try with joined layout (Parking3 in progress).
Customization / [Layout] Parking2
November 24, 2011, 22:48:15
Only tested with gmb 1.1.8

I know TabListe widget can show the number of songs in the Queue in the title tab.
I would like to show this number somewhere in the layout.
Do you know how ?