May 01, 2016, 16:27:26 Last Edit: May 01, 2016, 16:30:18 by Garthhh
I'm trying to get songs in the order they are listed on a playlist copied to a SD card or thumb drive
when I right click copy to device
the failure is permissions


I don't think this is a gmusicbrowser related issue.
Can you try to copy to a random folder on your desktop first ?
By doing so you shall be able to see whether your sd-card or thumb drive is just mounted incorrectly by your operating system ...

of course it's a gmusicbrowser issue
file browser works with no permission issue
Clementine works with no permission issue
as do digikam, gwenview. ez=tag
probably something gnome related, I use KDE on a RPM based system
I use GMB on a pc that is basically a music player having never resolved this & a few other issues
I use clementine to make playlists [which GMB opens with no problem]

i still think that it's not a gmb issue if you try to copy into a "system" directory ...
on my system no regular user can copy anything into the "run" directory ....
just my 2 cents

Clementine, dolphin, digikam & gwenview will all copy to external media which mount at run/media