
I was using gmusicbrowser yet a long time with many pleasure. But recently I updated my Xubuntu to 20.04. Gmusicbrowser is not anymore in the softwarelist  :'( :'( :'( But the downloaded version 1.1.15 also doesn't work in 20.04.  :'( :'( :'(

I see that the latest update is from 2015. Will gmusicbrowser soon updated for newer version of ubuntu or is the developing stopped?

Thanks for reaction!

Hi, the development has been very slow, but mostly I've been procrastinating making proper releases.
There is a simple fix to v1.1.15 not working, but you should use the git version instead.
I've recently ported it to gtk3, though there is still some things that need fixing, it's very usable, if you want to stick with gtk2, you need to use the v1.1.x branch: https://github.com/squentin/gmusicbrowser/tree/v1.1.x  you can download a zip from the green button.
If you want to try the gtk3 version you can use the main branch : https://github.com/squentin/gmusicbrowser, I've also made a quick not proper release with a deb file on the devel page http://gmusicbrowser.org/devel.html


So, is there any hope to see somes fixes one day ? For example, the cover scrappers...

GMB is the best player I ever used. I don't find another one as good as this one...

Quote from: coucou on September 01, 2020, 12:53:10
So, is there any hope to see somes fixes one day ? For example, the cover scrappers...

GMB is the best player I ever used. I don't find another one as good as this one...
Hi, I update cover scrapers when I notice they need updating and find time.
Currently, with the git version, bing, yahoo and ddg work, and I've just pushed an update for google (in both gtk3 and gtk2 branches).

As for other updates,
short term: I need to fix some things to make a proper release.
mid-term: still lot of things I've been wanting to add, some are partly done, don't know when I'll find time to do it
long term:  I'll keep it working, as I use it everyday and have not plan on switching to anything else.

Quote from: Quentin Sculo on August 26, 2020, 14:03:20
I've also made a quick not proper release with a deb file on the devel page http://gmusicbrowser.org/devel.html

Thanks for your reaction.

It seems that this beta is working for me. I see a few bugs, more in lay-out, but for this moment I m happy  ;)

I hope that a stable version will come soon  ;)

How can I see that there will be a stable .deb version?

hi, i would also be very happy to see a stable release for Focal (Ubuntu 20.02)  !!!

I'm just backing up my music library  -i have used Clementine, Banshee, quod libet, etc etc over the years, but Gmusicbrowser is still my favourite - yet my new PC with Ubuntu 20.04 does not have a release candidate in the repositories or the PPA. 

I hope you can pull something together soon!

Quote from: Quentin Sculo on August 26, 2020, 14:03:20
I've also made a quick not proper release with a deb file on the devel page http://gmusicbrowser.org/devel.html

Thank you, Quentin.

Upon upgrading to Linux Mint 20 gmusicbrowser did install but wouldn't boot.
The deb package for gmusicbrowser- worked.
Very happy.

Hi Quentin,

I installed  GMB 1.1.16 from the repository (deb http://gmusicbrowser.org/deb ./), and cover scrappers don't work. Only Yahoo is working.
Is it normal ?
Does it work with the git version ?

In v does Bing and Yahoo work, the other machines not ... at my computer

Quote from: jop on November 21, 2020, 19:03:22
In v does Bing and Yahoo work, the other machines not ... at my computer

Ok, I installed, and I don't even find where is the option to find a cover on internet....
I can only select an image from my locals folders.
Is it normal ?
Could someone help me ?

This should work in both 1.1.16 and
The fact that you don't see it at all in makes me think maybe you've put a version of the plugin in your ~/.config/gmusicbrowser/plugins/ ?
If that's not it, run it from a terminal and see what it says.

#11 November 23, 2020, 12:21:31 Last Edit: November 23, 2020, 12:58:27 by coucou
Hi Quentin,
Thank you for the answer.

I have no folder named "plugins" in ~/.config/gmusicbrowser/

But, in /usr/share/gmusicbrowser/plugins/  , I see I have a "fetch_cover.pm" file AND a file named "fetch_cover_ORIG.pm" (wich means that this one is the original "fetch_cover.pm" file). So I think I put, a long time ago, a new version of the plugin here.
Anyways, when I installed the 1.1.16 or, the installation should have remplace this file with a correct "fetch_cover.pm" file , no ?

Here is what the terminal says :
me@LM19 ~ $ gmusicbrowser
Reading saved tags in /home/me/.config/gmusicbrowser/gmbrc ...
Reading saved tags in /home/me/.config/gmusicbrowser/gmbrc ... done
These commands were not found : mpg123, flac123, mpg321
=> these file types won't be played by the 123 output : mp3
Error fetching https://duckduckgo.com/i.js?q=%22Emergency%20On%20Planet%20Earth%20%5BCD2%5D%22%20%22Jamiroquai%22&o=json : HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
Error fetching http://images.fr.shopping.rakuten.com/photo/Jamiroquai-Cd-1052289120_L.jpg : HTTP/1.1 502 Bad Gateway
Error fetching http://images.fr.shopping.rakuten.com/cat/500x500/jamiroquai+cd.jpg : HTTP/1.1 502 Bad Gateway

First error comes when trying to fetch with Duckduckgo.
Second and third errors comes when usoing yahoo to fetch covers.
The others (google, slothradio, bing) don't make any line on the termiinal. They just say, in GMB GUI : "Aucun résultat trouvé, peut-être devez-vous retirer quelques critères de recherche" (don't know the english version of this message).

Delete fetch_cover_ORIG.pm it might use it instead of the real one (though I think they are sorted first so this one should be ignored)
To be sure run run "md5sum /usr/share/gmusicbrowser/plugins/fetch_cover.pm" you should get:
9e950637db1490860fce63cd6105f834  for v1.99.1
1ba80eac7d3490f1db7a575d13675b46  for v1.1.16
I've made a version number system for the plugins to use the latest version if more than one is found, but I'm barely using it, I'll have to remember to use it next time I update a plugin.

You are right !
GMB was using fetch_cover_ORIG.pm instead the real one. This is a bit strange, no ?
Anyway, I deleted it, and now everything is fine, except Slothradio, wich still doesn't work.

Hi Quentin,

I just bought a new PC.I installed GMB 1.1.16 on Ubuntu Focal.
The plugin to fetch album covers works only for Bing and DuckDuckGo. Other (google, yahoo, slothradio) do not work.

Is there a way to update this plugin ?