#15 February 17, 2011, 19:25:28 Last Edit: February 17, 2011, 19:29:58 by mgrubert

I add several things in the right button panel :

VBMainMenuBar = \
               HBVolume \
               HSeparator2 \
      Play1(size=button,minwidth=34,maxwidth=34,tip=_"Play/Pause") \
      Stop(size=button,minwidth=34,maxwidth=34,tip=_"Stop") \
      Prev1(size=button,minwidth=34,maxwidth=34,tip=_"Previous Song") \
               Next1(size=button,minwidth=34,maxwidth=34,tip=_"Next Song") \

      HSeparator3 \
      Fullscreen(size=button,minwidth=34,maxwidth=34) \
      Playlist(size=button,minwidth=34,maxwidth=34) \
      HSeparator5 \
      Sort(size=button,minwidth=34,maxwidth=34) \
      10Filter(size=button,minwidth=34,maxwidth=34)  \
      Queue(size=button,minwidth=34,maxwidth=34)  \
      ResetFilter \ #because I delete the button in the top of the Songtree, I just need this
      MBQueue \

               -Quit(size=button,minwidth=34,maxwidth=34,tip=_"Quit") \
               -Button4(click1="OpenCustom(ArkanoidHelp)",relief=none,size=button,stock=gtk-help,minwidth=34,maxwidth=34,tip=_"Help") \
      -Pref(stock=gtk-preferences,size=button,minwidth=34,maxwidth=34) \
               -MBViews \
               -HSeparator1 \
      -MBLayouts \
      -HSeparator4 \
               -Button1(click1="RunPerlCode(::ChooseAddPath(0,1))",stock=gtk-add,size=button,minwidth=34,maxwidth=34,tip=_"Add folder ...") \
      -Button2(click1="RunPerlCode(::IdleCheck)",stock=gtk-refresh,size=button,minwidth=34,maxwidth=34,tip=_"check now") \
      -Button3(click1="RunPerlCode(::IdleScan)",stock=gtk-zoom-in,size=button,minwidth=34,maxwidth=34,tip=_"scan now")

MBLayouts = SMLayouts
         SMLayouts = (label=_"A",minwidth=34,maxwidth=34) \   
              LayoutItem    #to switch beetween layouts

          MBQueue = SMQueue
         SMQueue = (label=_"Q",minwidth=34,maxwidth=34) \   
#to access to the "suffle queue"

The SMmenu aren't very beautiful (background is black, the "buttons" are letters) and not very useful (3 clicks to access to the functionality) but it works.

hi the layout is turning close to perfection
i wanted a button to open the queue actions like autofill, stop etc
i marked the area by red
can u do that for me?
Dr subodh

1442 songs with unknown artist :) You should use MusicBrainz ;)

* New: QueueActions in queue tab
modified:   layouts/Arkanoid 2.layout

aboettger (author)
about a minute ago
commit  21a65f4aaa21e1d0f1ed
Baum    cdeb139e51e866be79d1
Eltern  788ca3b0daab79779ec0

Thanks Friend. You ROCK!! :)
isn't there a way to have progress bar despite hiding the left pane just like the alternative replay buttons
not necessary , just wishful thinking.
once again, can the search bar search for "ANY TEXT" from the whole metadata including the comments or lyricist or custom fields?
thanks again

click the magnifying glass on the left in the search bar

Quote from: cardiacanesthesia on February 18, 2011, 13:08:59
isn't there a way to have progress bar despite hiding the left pane just like the alternative replay buttons

Open the "->"-menu and click "Alternative position for timebar"

The other menu choice would be nice in the same place :

HBQueueActions = MBQueue -QueueActions

                MBQueue = QueueItem

But QueueItem has a black background

Quote from: aboettger on February 18, 2011, 13:42:46
Quote from: cardiacanesthesia on February 18, 2011, 13:08:59
isn't there a way to have progress bar despite hiding the left pane just like the alternative replay buttons

Open the "->"-menu and click "Alternative position for timebar"

Oops, I Missed it.
Thanks :)

hi ,
same layout works fine on my laptop but creating problem with my desktop on same distro same version
(i tried latest version GMB from quentin's page on GIT and reverted back to shimmer version also) there is no --> button and the right bar looks clumsy
see image

You need squentins version, commited on 19.2.2011

i'll build new packages for the shimmer ppa today, then the layout will work as expected.

posting after a long time
updated to natty, installed GMB from andreas launchpad repo
using Arkanoid 2 layout
>>but somehow space economy is compromized. (see image) probably some theme problem. moreover can i reduce the fontsize?

>>posting a mediamonkey default layout . it is more or less same as your itunes ++ can u make a few changes to arkanoid 2 or itunes ++ for some added functionality
1. add two buttons in menubar to add the selected song to either end of queue or just after current playing song
2. in mediamonkey , the vertical tablists contain genre artist and album and the pane below shows the filtered song
when i select say, POP, the right sided panes show only the artist featuring in POP and the rightmost shows only albums in pop
now when i select an artist in second tab, the rightmost tab only shows albums from that artist in POP.
all this time the large pane below the tabs keeps updating the relevant songs
all these features are available in GMB but in different layouts. can this be achieved in a single layout, preferably Arkanoid 2
i hope i am able to explain my queries
dr subodh

To make the side pannel more explicative :

* First you can add tab :
- right-click on the side pannel and choose "show tabs"
- right-click on the tittle-tab now showed and choose "add tab"

* Second you can add some detail in each tab :
- right-click on the pannel and choose "options" and choose "define regroupment 1"
- right-click on the pannel and choose "options" and choose "option regroupment 1"

All of those personnalisation are avaliable in all browser-panels

Take a look :