February 04, 2011, 10:21:02 Last Edit: February 14, 2011, 16:31:16 by legluondunet

could you add this functionnality for a better cover management in Gmusicbrowser:

-> action: when Gmusicbrowser starts to play a file, it searchs for a picture:

1) with the name of the album, like it does actually, and update the config file if the cover is new or have changed
2) for singles music file: artist with title and update the config file if the cover is new or have changed

Like this Gmusicbrowser could update dynamically the cover and you have no more to delete the config file for it to find your new cover changes.
With this new functionnality, we could add easily cover for singles files like this:

example for singles:
music file = artist - title.mp3
GMB searchs for a cover = artist - title.png (or jpg...)

Please try to add this for a simply and dynamically cover management in Gmusicbrowser.