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Messages - jorje_villafan

Questions / GMB won't start up after update
August 03, 2010, 02:08:24
Just like the title says, Gmb wont start up... Using the git version on an Arch Linux machine.

The update included a bunch of perl stuff. I reinstalled Gmb to no avail.

When I start it in terminal I get:

[jonathan@jonathan ~]$ gmusicbrowser
print() on closed filehandle $fifofh at /usr/bin/gmusicbrowser line 280.
Net::DBus::Binding::C::Connection::_set_owner() -- con is not a blessed SV reference at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/Net/DBus/Binding/ line 110.
Net::DBus::Binding::C::Connection::_set_watch_callbacks() -- con is not a blessed SV reference at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/Net/DBus/Binding/ line 349.
Net::DBus::Binding::C::Connection::_set_timeout_callbacks() -- con is not a blessed SV reference at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/Net/DBus/Binding/ line 374.
Net::DBus::Binding::C::Connection::_add_filter() -- con is not a blessed SV reference at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/Net/DBus/Binding/ line 520.
GStreamer::Interfaces perl module not found -> visuals not available
Reading saved tags in /home/jonathan/.config/gmusicbrowser/gmbrc ...
@Fields=album_shuffle replaygain_album_gain skipcount file grouping compilation replaygain_track_peak modif lastskip replaygain_reference_level genre label title replaygain_album_peak album_artist samprate filetype bitrate missing added channel title_or_file size rating album_artist_raw lastplay shuffle playcount replaygain_track_gain extension track version path length artist album comment disc year barefilename fullfilename_raw artists first_artist album_picture album_years version_or_empty uri artist_picture rating_picture missingkey fullfilename at /usr/bin/../share/gmusicbrowser/ line 947.
adding update code for artists at /usr/bin/../share/gmusicbrowser/ line 1066.
Reading saved tags in /home/jonathan/.config/gmusicbrowser/gmbrc ... done
Songs::SortList(SongArray=ARRAY(0x48dded8) track)
sort (track) : 0 s
GLib-GObject-WARNING **: gsignal.c:2204: signal `clicked' is invalid for instance `0x4cd5d40' at /usr/bin/../share/gmusicbrowser/ line 1054.
SongArray_changed replace,
Songs::SortList(ARRAY(0x51dfda8) path album:i disc track file)
sort (path album:i disc track file) : 0 s
SongArray_changed replace,filter Filter=HASH(0x1dd0c70)
/usr/bin/perl: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/auto/Gtk2/TrayIcon/ undefined symbol: Perl_sv_utf8_upgrade_flags
[jonathan@jonathan ~]$

1. sorry for not adding the version #

2. You're awesome!!!!! I know that the last .fm  has both of those functions that I just added, but it is not as complete as going to the souce.  Looking forward to the new features.  I am going after the git right now.

Happy Hollidays.... If thats your thing  :)

Customization / and now a Concert Finder tab
December 16, 2009, 16:47:06
I just added  concert finder tab  also.  I used for the info. Not sure if there is a better site that is more suited for this kind of application or not... Or at least a way to get rid of all the extra stuff on the page.

Did it pretty much the same way I did the YouTube tab. I edited the file ( /usr/share/gmusicbrowser/plugins/ ). Just copied all the sections for the Last.Fm tab - then duplicated - then within the duplicated code replaced all things "lastfm" with "Concert", and for the website I used " " ... When I first tested the concert tab, it would turn up no reslults for artist's with more than one word in thier name. So, within the duplicated code, I change this line  "$ artist=~s/ /+/g; " to " $artist=~s/ / /g; " and it worked out. Also, turns up no results for artists's who have a ' in thier name. I'm not sure on how to fix that tho....

Have fun :)

Questions / Re: Strange Text Behavior
December 14, 2009, 17:28:57
That worked perfectly for me. Thank you very much.
Customization / YouTube in the Web Context plugin
December 14, 2009, 10:01:26
So often, I find myself listening to an artist and then wanting to watch a live video from that same artist... So I made a YouTube tab for the Web Context plugin that would pull up live videos of the currently playing artist  8).... Well, I guess I didn't make it as much as I just duplicated the Last.Fm stuff in the file.... Much easier than I thought it would be..... Thanks Quentin :)

It would be neat to add the currently playing song to the search query.. but alas... I have no coding skills  :'(

Here is my, located in /usr/share/gmusicbrowser/plugins/.  Back up your original version...

# Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Quentin Sculo <[email protected]>
# This file is part of Gmusicbrowser.
# Gmusicbrowser is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as
# published by the Free Software Foundation

=gmbplugin WebContext
name Web context
title Web context plugin
desc Provides context views using MozEmbed or WebKit

my ($OKMoz,$OKWebKit,$CrashMoz);
{ { last unless (grep -f $_.'/Gtk2/',@INC);
# test if mozembed is working
system(q(GNOME_DISABLE_CRASH_DIALOG=1 perl -e 'use Gtk2 "-init"; use Gtk2::MozEmbed;$w=Gtk2::Window->new;my $e=Gtk2::MozEmbed->new; $w->add($e);$w->show_all;')); #this segfault when mozembed doesn't find its libs
#if (($? & 127) ==11) {die "Error : mozembed libraries not found. You need to add the mozilla path in /etc/ and run ldconfig (as root) or add the mozilla libraries path to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable.\n"}
if (($? & 127) ==11) { $CrashMoz=1; last; }
$OKWebKit=1 if grep -f $_.'/Gtk2/',@INC;

use strict;
use warnings;

package GMB::Plugin::WebContext::MozEmbed;
#use Gtk2::MozEmbed;

our $Embed;
sub init
{ Gtk2::MozEmbed->set_profile_path ($::HomeDir,'mozilla_profile');
if ($Gtk2::MozEmbed::VERSION>=0.06) {Gtk2::MozEmbed->push_startup}
else {$Embed||=Gtk2::MozEmbed->new;} #needed to keep a Gtk2::MozEmbed to prevent xpcom from shutting down with the last gtkmozembed

sub new_embed
{ my $embed=Gtk2::MozEmbed->new;
$embed->signal_connect(link_message => \&link_message_cb);
$embed->signal_connect(net_stop => \&net_startstop_cb,0);
$embed->signal_connect(net_start => \&net_startstop_cb,1);
return $embed;

sub link_message_cb
{ my $embed=$_[0];
my $self=::find_ancestor($embed,__PACKAGE__);
$self->link_message( $embed->get_link_message );

sub net_startstop_cb
{ my ($embed,$loading)=@_;
my $self=::find_ancestor($embed,__PACKAGE__);
$self->{BStop}->set_sensitive( $loading );
$self->{BBack}->set_sensitive( $embed->can_go_back );
$self->{BNext}->set_sensitive( $embed->can_go_forward );
my $cursor= $loading ? Gtk2::Gdk::Cursor->new('watch') : undef;
$embed->window->set_cursor($cursor) if $embed->window;
my $uri=$embed->get_location;
$self->{Entry}->set_text($uri) if $loading;
$uri= $uri=~m#^https?://# ? 1 : 0 ;

sub loaded
{ my ($self,$data,$type)=@_;
my $embed=$self->{embed};
# $embed->open_stream ($self->{url}, $type);
# $embed->append_data ($data);
# $embed->close_stream;

sub go_back { $_[0]{embed}->go_back }
sub go_forward { $_[0]{embed}->go_forward }
sub stop_load { $_[0]{embed}->stop_load }
sub get_location{ $_[0]{embed}->get_location }
sub Open { $_[0]{embed}->load_url($_[1]); }

sub set_stripped_wiki #FIXME use print version of the wikipedia page instead ?
{ my $stripped=$_[0];
my $content='';
if ($stripped)
{ $content="/*@-moz-document domain( { */
.portlet {display: none !important;}
#f-list {display: none !important;}
#footer {display: none !important;}
#content {margin: 0 0 0 0 !important; padding: 0 0 0 0 !important}
/* } */ ";
open my $fh,'>',join(::SLASH,$::HomeDir,'mozilla_profile','chrome','userContent.css') or return;
print $fh $content;
close $fh;

package GMB::Plugin::WebContext::WebKit;
#use Gtk2::WebKit;

sub new_embed
{ my $embed=Gtk2::WebKit::WebView->new;
$embed->signal_connect(hovering_over_link => \&link_message_cb);
$embed->signal_connect(load_finished => \&net_startstop_cb,0);
$embed->signal_connect(load_committed => \&net_startstop_cb,1);
my $sw= Gtk2::ScrolledWindow->new;
return $embed,$sw;

sub link_message_cb
{ my ($embed,undef,$msg)=@_;
my $self=::find_ancestor($embed,__PACKAGE__);

sub net_startstop_cb
{ my ($embed,$frame,$loading)=@_;
my $self=::find_ancestor($embed,__PACKAGE__);
$self->{BStop}->set_sensitive( $loading );
$self->{BBack}->set_sensitive( $embed->can_go_back );
$self->{BNext}->set_sensitive( $embed->can_go_forward );
my $cursor= $loading ? Gtk2::Gdk::Cursor->new('watch') : undef;
$embed->window->set_cursor($cursor) if $embed->window;
my $uri=$frame->get_uri;
$self->{Entry}->set_text($uri) if $loading;
$uri= $uri=~m#^https?://# ? 1 : 0 ;

sub loaded
{ my ($self,$data,$type)=@_;
my $embed=$self->{embed};
$embed->load_html_string($data,$self->{url}); #FIXME doesn't check type

sub go_back { $_[0]{embed}->go_back }
sub go_forward { $_[0]{embed}->go_forward }
sub stop_load { $_[0]{embed}->stop_loading }
sub get_location{ $_[0]{embed}->get_focused_frame->get_uri }
sub Open { $_[0]{embed}->open($_[1]); }

sub set_stripped_wiki {} #FIXME use print version of the wikipedia page instead ?
# $::Options{OPT.'StrippedWiki'}

package GMB::Plugin::WebContext;
require '';
our @ISA;
BEGIN {push @ISA,'GMB::Context';}
use base 'Gtk2::VBox';
use constant
{ OPT => 'PLUGIN_WebContext_',

our %Widgets=
( PluginWebLyrics =>
{ class => 'GMB::Plugin::WebContext::Lyrics',
tabicon => 'gmb-lyrics', # no icon by that name by default
tabtitle => _"Lyrics",
schange => \&Update,
group => 'Play',
autoadd_type => 'context page lyrics html',
saveoptions => 'follow urientry statusbar',
PluginWikipedia =>
{ class => 'GMB::Plugin::WebContext::Wikipedia',
tabtitle => _"Wikipedia",
schange => \&Update,
group => 'Play',
autoadd_type => 'context page wikipedia html',
saveoptions => 'follow urientry statusbar',
PluginLastfm =>
{ class => 'GMB::Plugin::WebContext::Lastfm',
tabtitle => "",
schange => \&Update,
group => 'Play',
autoadd_type => 'context page lastfm html',
saveoptions => 'follow urientry statusbar',
        #addded YouTube Tab
        PluginYouTube =>
{ class => 'GMB::Plugin::WebContext::YouTube',
tabtitle => "YouTube",
schange => \&Update,
group => 'Play',
autoadd_type => 'context page youtube html',
saveoptions => 'follow urientry statusbar',
        #end YouTube tab

our @default_options= (follow=>1, urientry=>1, statusbar=>0, );
our @contextmenu=
( { label=> _"Show/hide URI entry",
check => sub { $_[0]{self}{urientry} },
code => sub { my $w=$_[0]{self}{Entry}; if ($_[0]{self}{urientry}^=1) { $w->set_no_show_all(0); $w->show_all; } else { $w->hide; }  },
{ label=> _"Show/hide status bar",
check => sub { $_[0]{self}{statusbar} },
code => sub { my $w=$_[0]{self}{Status}; if ($_[0]{self}{statusbar}^=1) { $w->set_no_show_all(0); $w->show_all; } else { $w->hide; }  },

my $active;
::SetDefaultOptions(OPT, StrippedWiki => 1);

sub UpdateBackend
{ my $backend= $::Options{OPT.'Backend'} || '';
$backend='' if !$OKMoz && $backend eq 'MozEmbed'
|| !$OKWebKit && $backend eq 'WebKit';
unless ($backend)
{ if ($OKWebKit) {$backend='WebKit'}
elsif ($OKMoz) {$backend='MozEmbed'}

my $was_active=$active;
Stop() if $active;
if ($OKMoz && $backend eq 'MozEmbed')
{ require Gtk2::MozEmbed; Gtk2::MozEmbed->import;
@ISA= grep $_ ne 'GMB::Plugin::WebContext::WebKit', @ISA;
push @ISA, 'GMB::Plugin::WebContext::MozEmbed';
elsif ($OKWebKit)
{ require Gtk2::WebKit; Gtk2::WebKit->import;
@ISA= grep $_ ne 'GMB::Plugin::WebContext::MozEmbed', @ISA;
push @ISA, 'GMB::Plugin::WebContext::WebKit';
Start() if $was_active;

sub Start
{ $active=1;
Layout::RegisterWidget($_ => $Widgets{$_}) for keys %Widgets;
sub Stop
{ $active=0;
Layout::RegisterWidget($_ => undef) for keys %Widgets;

sub new
{ my ($class,$opt)=@_;
my $self = bless Gtk2::VBox->new(0,0), $class;
%$opt=( @default_options, %$opt );
$self->{$_}=$opt->{$_} for qw/follow group urientry statusbar/;

my $toolbar=Gtk2::Toolbar->new;
my $status=$self->{Status}=Gtk2::Statusbar->new;
($self->{embed},my $container)= $self->new_embed;
my $entry=$self->{Entry}=Gtk2::Entry->new;
my $back= $self->{BBack}=Gtk2::ToolButton->new_from_stock('gtk-go-back');
my $next= $self->{BNext}=Gtk2::ToolButton->new_from_stock('gtk-go-forward');
my $stop= $self->{BStop}=Gtk2::ToolButton->new_from_stock('gtk-stop');
my $open= $self->{BOpen}=Gtk2::ToolButton->new_from_stock('gtk-open');
$open->set_tooltip($::Tooltips,_"Open this page in the web browser",'');
#::set_drag($open,source=>[::DRAG_FILE,sub {$embed->get_location;}]);
$self->{$_}->set_sensitive(0) for qw/BBack BNext BStop BOpen/;

my $entryitem=Gtk2::ToolItem->new;

# create follow toggle button, function from GMB::Context
my $follow=$self->new_follow_toolitem;

$toolbar->insert($_,-1)  for $back,$next,$stop,$follow,$open,$entryitem,$self->addtoolbar;
$self->add( $container );
$self->signal_connect(map => \&Update);
$entry->signal_connect(activate => sub { ::find_ancestor($_[0],__PACKAGE__)->load_url($_[0]->get_text); });
$back->signal_connect(clicked => sub { ::find_ancestor($_[0],__PACKAGE__)->go_back });
$next->signal_connect(clicked => sub { ::find_ancestor($_[0],__PACKAGE__)->go_forward });
$stop->signal_connect(clicked => sub { ::find_ancestor($_[0],__PACKAGE__)->stop_load });
$open->signal_connect(clicked => sub { my $url=::find_ancestor($_[0],__PACKAGE__)->get_location; ::openurl($url) if $url=~m#^https?://# });
$toolbar->signal_connect('popup-context-menu' => \&popup_toolbar_menu );
return $self;

sub prefbox
{ my $vbox=Gtk2::VBox->new(::FALSE, 2);
#my $combo=::NewPrefCombo(OPT.'Site',[sort keys %sites],'site : ',sub {$ID=undef;&Changed;});
my $check=::NewPrefCheckButton(OPT.'StrippedWiki',_"Strip wikipedia pages",\&set_stripped_wiki,_"Remove header, footer and left column from wikipedia pages");
my $Bopen=Gtk2::Button->new(_"open context window");
$Bopen->signal_connect(clicked => sub { ::ContextWindow; });
my ($radio_wk,$radio_moz)=
::NewPrefRadio( OPT.'Backend',
sub { $check->set_sensitive($::Options{OPT.'Backend'} eq 'MozEmbed'); UpdateBackend(); },
_"Use WebKit", 'WebKit',
_"Use MozEmbed", 'MozEmbed');
my $label_wk= $OKWebKit ? '' : _"Not found";
my $label_moz= $OKMoz ? '' : $CrashMoz ? _"Found but not working" : _"Not found";
$::Tooltips->set_tip($radio_wk,$label_wk) if $label_wk;
$::Tooltips->set_tip($radio_moz,$label_moz) if $label_moz;
$check->set_sensitive($::Options{OPT.'Backend'} eq 'MozEmbed');
$vbox->pack_start($_,::FALSE,::FALSE,1) for $radio_wk,$radio_moz,Gtk2::VSeparator->new,$check,$Bopen;
$vbox->set_sensitive( $OKMoz || $OKWebKit );
return $vbox;

sub load_url
{ my ($self,$url,$post)=@_;
$url='http://'.$url unless $url=~m#^\w+://#;# || $url=~m#^about:#;
if ($post)
{ Simple_http::get_with_cb(cb => sub {$self->loaded(@_)},url => $url,post => $post); }
else {$self->Open($url);}

sub link_message
{ my ($self,$msg)=@_;
$msg='' unless defined $msg;
my $statusbar=$self->{Status};
$statusbar->pop( $statusbar->{id} );
$statusbar->push( $statusbar->{id}, $msg );

sub set_stripped_wiki { GMB::Plugin::WebContext::MozEmbed::set_stripped_wiki( $::Options{OPT.'StrippedWiki'} ); } #FIXME

sub popup_toolbar_menu
{ my ($toolbar,$x,$y,$button)=@_;
my $args= { self=> ::find_ancestor($toolbar,__PACKAGE__), };
my $menu=::PopupContextMenu(\@contextmenu,$args);
$menu->popup(undef,undef,sub {$x,$y},undef,$button,0);

sub Update
{ $_[0]->SongChanged( ::GetSelID($_[0]) )  if $_[0]->mapped;


package GMB::Plugin::WebContext::Lyrics;
our @ISA=('GMB::Plugin::WebContext');

use constant
{ OPT => GMB::Plugin::WebContext::OPT,  #FIXME

my %sites=
( lyrc => ['lyrc',''],
#leoslyrics => ['leolyrics',''],
google  => ['google','"%a"+"%s"'],
lyriki  => ['lyriki',''],
lyricwiki => [lyricwiki => ''],
lyricsplugin => [lyricsplugin => ''],
lyricscom => [ '' => '' ],

$::Options{OPT.'LyricSite'}=undef if !exists $sites{$::Options{OPT.'LyricSite'}};
::SetDefaultOptions(OPT, LyricSite => 'google');

sub addtoolbar
{ #my $self=$_[0];
my %h= map {$_=>$sites{$_}[0]} keys %sites;
my $cb=sub
{ my $self=::find_ancestor($_[0],__PACKAGE__);
my $combo=::NewPrefCombo( OPT.'LyricSite', \%h, cb => $cb, toolitem => _"Lyrics source");
return $combo;

sub SongChanged
{ my ($self,$ID,$force)=@_;
return unless defined $ID;
return if defined $self->{ID} && $ID==$self->{ID} && !$force;
my ($title,$artist)= map ::url_escapeall($_), Songs::Get($ID,qw/title artist/);
return if $title eq '';
my (undef,$url,$post)=@{$sites{$::Options{OPT.'LyricSite'}}};
for ($url,$post) { next unless defined $_; s/%a/$artist/; s/%s/$title/; }
::IdleDo('8_mozlyrics'.$self,1000,sub {$self->load_url($url,$post)});

package GMB::Plugin::WebContext::Wikipedia;
our @ISA=('GMB::Plugin::WebContext');

use constant
{ OPT => GMB::Plugin::WebContext::OPT,  #FIXME

my %locales=
( en => 'English',
fr => 'Français',
de => 'Deutsch',
pl => 'Polski',
nl => 'Nederlands',
sv => 'Svenska',
it => 'Italiano',
pt => 'Português',
es => 'Español',
# ja => "\xe6\x97\xa5\xe6\x9c\xac\xe8\xaa\x9e\x0a",
#::_utf8_on( $locales{ja} );

::SetDefaultOptions(OPT, WikiLocale => 'en');

sub addtoolbar
{ #my $self=$_[0];
my $cb=sub
{ my $self=::find_ancestor($_[0],__PACKAGE__);
my $combo=::NewPrefCombo( OPT.'WikiLocale', \%locales, cb => $cb, toolitem => _"Wikipedia Locale");
return $combo;

sub SongChanged
{ my ($self,$ID,$force)=@_;
return unless defined $ID;
my $artist=Songs::Get($ID,'first_artist'); #FIXME add a way to choose artist ?
return if $artist eq '';
return if defined $self->{Artist} && $artist eq $self->{Artist} && !$force;
my $url='http://'.$::Options{OPT.'WikiLocale'}.''.$artist;
#my $url='http://'.$::Options{OPT.'WikiLocale'}.''.$artist.'&action=render';
::IdleDo('8_mozpedia'.$self,1000,sub {$self->load_url($url)});
#::IdleDo('8_mozpedia'.$self,1000,sub {$self->wikiload});

sub wikiload #not used for now
{ my $self=$_[0];
my $url=::url_escapeall($self->{Artist});
Simple_http::get_with_cb(cb => sub
{ my $cb=sub { $self->wikifilter(@_) };
if (!$_[0] || $_[0]=~m/No page with that title exists/)
{ Simple_http::get_with_cb(cb => $cb, url => $url);
else { $self->{url}.='_(band)'; &$cb }
},url => $url.'_(band)');

sub wikifilter #not used for now
{ my ($self,$data,$type)=@_;
return unless $data; #FIXME
#$data='<style type="text/css">.firstHeading {display: none}</style>'.$data;

package GMB::Plugin::WebContext::Lastfm;
our @ISA=('GMB::Plugin::WebContext');

sub addtoolbar
{ #my $self=$_[0];
return ();

sub SongChanged
{ my ($self,$ID,$force)=@_;
return unless defined $ID;
my $artist=Songs::Get($ID,'artist');
return if !defined $artist || $artist eq '';
return if defined $self->{Artist} && $artist eq $self->{Artist} && !$force;
$artist=~s/ /+/g;
my $url=''.$artist;
::IdleDo('8_mozlastfm'.$self,1000,sub {$self->load_url($url)});
#added YouTube tab
package GMB::Plugin::WebContext::YouTube;
our @ISA=('GMB::Plugin::WebContext');

sub addtoolbar
{ #my $self=$_[0];
return ();

sub SongChanged
{ my ($self,$ID,$force)=@_;
return unless defined $ID;
my $artist=Songs::Get($ID,'artist');
return if !defined $artist || $artist eq '';
return if defined $self->{Artist} && $artist eq $self->{Artist} && !$force;
$artist=~s/ /+/g;
my $url=''.$artist; #remove live+ from the url if you want to search all videos from the artist
::IdleDo('8_mozyoutube'.$self,1000,sub {$self->load_url($url)});
#end of YouTube Tab


Questions / Strange Text Behavior
December 14, 2009, 05:19:50
Whenever a dropdown box appears over the currently playing song info it leaves a ghost image behind the text. If I mouse over it, the ghost disappears. Happened in 1.02 and 1.13. Not sure if it's my set up or not.

Thanks for this awesome music solution. It is by far the best for large libraries..... Imho.