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Messages - manoel

I've just found the database at /home/manu/.config/gmusicbrowser/gmbrc file, but sadly no trace remains of those deleted folders :-( Maybe if I had found it sooner before the file was updated and those references deleted from the library file, I would have been able to find the album names there.
Thanks. I didn't know about that tool, but as far as the files were lost many months ago, and the disk has been in use since then, most of the data will surely be overwritten by now. My main hope is to find the album names at the gMusicBrowser database and then try to get them again one by one from other sources :-/

I'll try to figure out where the database is and then open it with some external tool to take a look at the play history.
Hi everybody.

Nice to keep enjoying this great player since some years now...

Recently I happened to delete by mistake a full directory of albums from my disk. Next time I opened gMusicBrowser, all those albums were removed, no doubt.

I'd like to recover those albums, but I don't know which were (no trace at my disk!). I was wondering if gMusicBrowser keeps a play history (I guess it does) at its database, and how could I take a look at it so I can search for the names of all those deleted albums, for I remember the name of the cointaining folder (they were stylistically organized).

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you so much in advance.
I got the same problem. Is there a way to configure that music must stop when an album ends?? It's so basic and so annoying... I've searched around the buttons and settings but still haven't found how to do it!

Is there anybody here who can help? Thanks in advance.