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Messages - sinekonata

I've tried that under wmp, media monkey and itunes (not much cause it sucks) but was never able to get anything as satisfying as manual check/tagging.
So I imagine what you ask is for something really simple like tagging the "Album Artist" and "Album" of every song in your input folder and then push a button that would create folders and move files into the correct ones.

If yes you can do that manually: In gMB select all the files from that input folder and then right click -> mass rename, you'll have options to rename files based on tags, and get them sorted in a base folder of your choosing with the tree structure you want (E.g. Genre - AlbumArtist - Album).

You spoke of automatically doing that, I have no idea how that would work. Since the tags are often incorrect or missing (at the very least don't respect your personal tree hierarchy), automatically dispatching these into new unchecked folders would make the same mess in your folders as the programs I used under windows did, you don't want that. E.g. if your new files are from 2 different friends, one that utilizes the "Album Artist" tag while the one that uses itunes probably doesn't. That in itself is prone to poop all over your library, I've been there. So first label correctly to your liking, then mass rename. That should do it fine...

If I completely or partially missed your point, reply. I might check back :D
Is there a way to add files without indexing them into the library like some crappy playlist player would by default? This blog page claims gMB can :
Then again it says Banshee/Rhythmbox can't which I know/suspect to be false.

If yes, what have I missed?

If no, is that deliberate? Or is it only lack of functionality?
The programs I used to rate my music with (Media Monkey, WMP and Banshee) all use POPM as such :
255 as the max value. So rating=5 in banshee and WMP. And 252 for 5.0 in media monkey. And for rating=1 it's 23 in MM and WMP while 1 in banshee.
All seem to use 64 for 2 stars, 128 for 3, 196 for 4 and 0 or "no POPM tag" if rating=0
And since Media Monkey also uses the x.5 (half-stars) ratings, it subtracts 10 from the original upper x.0 rating. So 1.5 is 64-10=54 and 0.5 is 23-10=13.

So in general the following mapping should be able to :

1. Read (POPM => gMB FMPS_Rating) correctly all values from all mentioned players :
0 (or no tag) => 0 (or no tag)
13 => 10%
[1-12]|[14-31] => 20%
54 => 30%
[32-53]|[55-95] => 40%
118 => 50%
[96-117]|[119-159] => 60%
186 => 70%
[160-185]|[187-223] => 80%
242 => 90%
[224-241]|[243-255] => 100%

2. Write (gMB FMPS_Rating => POPM) tags to be correctly read by all mentioned players (and also windows explorer's "ratings column") :
0% => 0
10% => 13
20% => 23
30% => 54
40% => 64
50% => 118
60% => 128
70% => 186
80% => 196
90% => 242
100% => 255

Media Monkey being the only player to use half-stars with POPM that I know of, to me it defines the standard for half-stars with the odd mechanic of a full-star minus ten (64-10=54 for 30% or 1.5 stars).
And in the case of 90% since MM uses 252 as 100%, I chose 242 as the 90% to write to be properly read by MM.
The ranges [1-31]... I used are defined by the windows explorer standard for reading POPM.

This is obviously too lousy/irregular a standard to be mathematically mapped from 255 to 100. So it might take a lot more time in testing with other players alone. Which is why I'd like to offer my help in that regard. I don't know a thing about Perl (I code in Java and now Python) but if pointed in the right direction I might end up being useful :D
If not I could at least test the binaries with other players, the ones I know plus other popular ones using POPM in both Linux and Windows.

PS: the forum suggested me to make a new post seeing how old this one is. Should I ?
Alors puisque c'est mon premier post, tout d'abord un très grand respect pour ce grandiose lecteur qu'il m'a fallu environ une minute pour adopter définitivement et à jamais :D
Et un très grand merci car j'ai pu observer que tu le maintenais assidûment et le faisais évoluer à l'écoute. Ça doit te prendre du temps et je t'en remercie en conséquence. Lorsque j'aurai bien entamé mes études, promis j'aiderai à coder si possible.

Il existe un problème sous Unity 5.18 (Ubuntu 12.04 LTS) qui fait que lorsque la commande Show est lancée, gMB se maximise mais ne ne s'affiche pas. C'est à dire que la fenêtre est détectée par d'autres programmes, qu'elle à bien le focus, d'ailleurs je peux interagir avec au clavier (sélectionner et jouer un morceau par ex.), mais pas la voir ni interagir avec la souris. Il suffit de sélectionner une autre fenêtre avant (ou 2x ALT-TAB ou refaire "gmusicbrowser -cmd Show") et la fenêtre jusque là "fantôme" se révèle enfin.
C'est très curieux et certainement inhérent à Unity qui est réputé salement codé.

Le bug est décelable à chaque fois que gMB passe de mode Hide à Show.
Donc par exécution de "gmusicbrowser", de "gmusicbrowser -cmd Show", par ouverture à partir du "menu son" (panel) ou du "Launcher Unity" (dock) ou autre mais au démarrage d'une instance par exemple pas de problème.
Et ce bug persiste que la fenêtre soit maximisée ou minimisée, que l'option "close to tray" soit active ou non et aussi bien sur mon desktop que mon laptop.

Dans le bug tu expliques que
> "I've seen a few bug reports about unity loosing the active window, so I would say it's likely it's unity's fault."

Il est vrai que j'ai pas pu reproduire le bug sous Unity 2D (d'ailleurs un autre bug ou le démarrage de gMB n'est jamais maximisé n'existe pas non plus en 2D). Mais par contre je n'ai rien trouvé de semblable sur google à propos de "ghost/invisible/inactive windows in unity" ou autres.

EDIT: J'ai trouvé des workarounds grâce à Compiz que j'ai postés sous mon nom sur launchpad au bug du lien ci-dessus.