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Messages - Scary Guy

I just had a thought and this would probably be best practice.

Virtual DJ uses databases stored on the drive with the media.  If a drive is plugged in it will read that database and add it to the library along with all the information almost instantly.

I don't know why I didn't mention it before, it just makes so much sense!
I swear I looked at the FAQ lol.  I guess I didn't expect it to be so close to the top.

Most of the other linux based music libraries seem to make you reload the entire library as well.

As I said I'm a recent windows convert, and I used a player which had a few options for reading tags on songs.  Since I use filenames to sort songs and don't really use the tags I had it set to only read the tag/file length when the file was played.  I don't use album art which speeds things up as well.  Reloading my entire music from scratch took about 30 seconds to a minute total.  It could also read all the tags, or just the tags for all the displayed files on the screen.

This was especially useful because I'd get libraries from my friends too and slowly integrate them into my own.  When I'd make major changes I could just dump and reload the database from scratch.
So I have two drives that I use as mirrors of one another.  One is in Ext4 which I primarily work out of under Ubuntu and the other is NTFS for Windows which only gets used with VirtualDJ (haven't gotten used to MIXX yet and it does video.)

Anyway I had them named Expansion Drive and Expansion Backup.  I figured a more logical naming would be in order so I renamed Expansion Backup to Ext4 2GB.  Well I loaded up gmusicbrowser and it couldn't find anything because it was still going off the old volume name.  I renamed it back and all was good again.  However this does highlight a problem.

I had a similar issue when moving all of my music out of /m(for media)/Music to just /m (because on NTFS I was hitting the character limit on some directories/files.) Then it didn't know where my music was even though it was just one directory up.  Obviously I didn't want to put it back so I had to reload the entire library.  (This was before I copied everything to the new drive.)

My point is there should be a way to go in (through the program itself) and modify the library location volume and directory.  If there is one I didn't see it.
Questions / Library erases?
October 26, 2011, 18:03:59
Hey, new guy here, new to the forums and linux.  I've been a windows guy for 13 years and finally got tired of it.  Although I have had some experience with the BSD's (Open and Free) and just switched to Ubuntu 11.04 then upgraded to 11.10.

So I'm pulling all of my music from the external NTFS drive.  I'm a DJ too so it's quite a bit to load.

I loaded all my music and then it saved it, after a few days it didn't see the library as if it was erased or never existed in the first place.  I thought that was odd but may have just been a one time quirk and loaded it again.  Then when I shut down and reloaded it did the exact same thing to me.

Does anyone have any idea what might be going on?  Banshee is alright I guess but it said this was specifically tailored to large collections and Banshee grinds my computer to a halt when trying to load everything.