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Messages - TBeholder

Questions / Re: Suppress Output
October 29, 2013, 12:56:15
It doesn't work.
"bash -c gmusicbrowser >$HOME/.gmusicbrowser_out.txt 2>&1" works correctly in  terminal, but does nothing if used in a launcher, except creating the specified file with one line:
QuoteFound a running instance (using '/home/[...]/.config/gmusicbrowser/gmusicbrowser.fifo')
Naturally, there's no gmusicbrowser in process list, and ~/.config/gmusicbrowser/gmusicbrowser.fifo does not exist before or after the run.
For that matter, the parent process shown is init, not bash - it looks like gmusicbrowser relaunches itself, losing those redirections in process?
Strangely enough, the same line does work with sh instead of bash!  :o
French / Re: de ubuntu à debian
October 26, 2013, 10:37:32

  • $ gedit / mousepad /...
  • File > Open...
  • Find and Replace...
  • Save
  • $gmusicbrowser
  • bonheur sans nuage
Ha, you're right: it was "./%d.txt" - for some reason gmusicbrowser does fallback when Disc==0, and when there's something else...
Moved config, the default turned out to be"~/.lyrics/%a/%t.lyric". I certainly won't keep it in ~/.anywhere/, but can't remember how i changed it and no idea why i'd come up specifically with %d without any instruction.
"./$track - $title.txt" fixes everything.
Thanks, sorryaboutthat.
When the track properties has Disk!=0 lyrics texts are read from online sources normally, but locally are handled incorrectly. Instead of "path/track_file_name.txt" they are saved into "path/Disk#.txt" and read from there if this file is already present.
This means the same file 1.txt or 2.txt is used for lyrics of the whole album - obviously, usually isn't the right way to handle them.