In regards to getting gapless playback with mplayer...
If a named pipe is used to stream the audio, linux does enough buffering to achieve gapless playback. Just set up aplay to read from a pipe and use mplayer to send raw pcm to the pipe.
Ideas taken from (scroll down to software/audio player)
If a named pipe is used to stream the audio, linux does enough buffering to achieve gapless playback. Just set up aplay to read from a pipe and use mplayer to send raw pcm to the pipe.
Code Select
$ mkfifo audiofifo
$ aplay -t raw -c 2 -f S16_LE -r 44100 audiofifo &
$ mplayer -ao pcm:nowaveheader:file=audiofifo <audio files>
Ideas taken from (scroll down to software/audio player)