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Topics - Satoshi

Hello, guys.

I already ran this through Quentin, and he said he'd think about it, but I guess there's no harm in asking everyone else's opinion. Besides, there are lots of great layout designers here, so I'd like to know their opinion as well.

So, this is the original window:

This is my proposed mock-up:

Obviously my Gimp skills aren't all that great, but I think you get what I meant.


  • The vertical tabs say "Playlist" and "Queue". That's because I'm not great with Gimp. The vertical tabs should say: Player, Browser, Traytip, Fullscreen, Search (all of those are layout-able).
  • The Preview checkbox would apply the currently selected theme to the main window
  • Layout makers will be able to add Author and Comment/Description "metadata" and users will easily see it.
  • The thumbnails would be larger (this is a crude mockup). Squentin does not want to make thumbnails a requirement for layout authors, so the alternative would be dinamically creating them, but that could possibly have its problems as well.
  • I suggest renaming the tab from "Layouts" to "Appearance".
  • The position of the items to the side is just what I came up with. Suggestions wanted.

The settings window in general bugs me. So feel free to suggest other improvements to all tabs there (just for the sake of talking, really. This is my idea, not Quentin's).
Customization / "Add layout" program
February 13, 2011, 19:27:20
This is my mostly-done layout importer program for gmb.

All you do is run it and select the desired .layout file and it will copy it to the right directory for gmb to see it (~/.config/gmusicbrowser/layouts).

Right now, gmb must be restarted for it to see the new layout file.

The future plan is to integrate it into gmusicbrowser and make use of a "refresh layout list" that squentin is planning.

If you are into testing, you can use an argument to it so that the destination folder is ~/.config/$argument/layouts. $argument defaults to gmusicbrowser if no argument is given.

The code can be seen here:

Some screenshots so that you guys know what I mean:
Customization / List of current-artist's albums
August 30, 2010, 05:41:14
is there a way to make a list of all albums by the same artist as the currently selected one? Like when you click the Album in an AABox widget?

What I want is something to what you see in the attached screenshot. But I want to make it context sensitive: I want it to show only albums for the currently selected artist.

Besides, what's wrong with this snippet of code?

NBpart3         = PluginLyrics(shadow=none,HideToolbar=1) QueueList(hideif=empty,songtree=1,cols="albumminipic titleaa length") PluginArtistinfo(tabtitle="Artist Info") VPAlbum(tabtitle="Album")
VPAlbum         = AABox(aa=album) FPane(hidebb=1,page=album)

"tabtitle" doesn't seem to work with VPAlbum.

And lastly, is there ANY customization option to AABox?
Customization / New layout: Satoshi
July 29, 2010, 00:45:02
The idea in this one being extreme space saving in control and wide display of relevant information (big space for lyrics, album cover, songs).

It looks a bit weird, but I think it is good enough.

And, yeah, sorry about the name, really couldn't think of anything nicer. Ideas welcomed.


Default         = Window size=1280x800,sticky=0

VBall           = HBStatus _HPmain
HBStatus        = Sort Prev(size=menu) Stop(size=menu) Play(size=menu) Next(size=menu) _TimeBar(minwidth=500,text="%t by %a") LabelTime Length _Album(markup='<i><b> %l</b> (%y)</i>') -TogButton(label="Filter",widget=HBSearch,size=menu) Pref(size=menu) -Quit(size=menu)
HPmain          = _HPpart
HPpart          = VBpart2 NBpart3
VBpart2         = _VPcenter
NBpart3         = PluginLyrics(shadow=none,HideToolbar=1) QueueList(hideif=empty,songtree=1,cols="albumminipic titleaa length") PluginArtistinfo(tabtitle="Artist Info")
VPcenter        = _VBcenterdown
VBcenterdown    = _SongTree(grouping="artist|pic(myfont=Arial%20Italic%2018,picsize=20,showyear=)|album|pic(myfont=Arial%20Bold%2018,picsize=250,showyear=1)") HBSearch
HBSearch        = SimpleSearch -Total

The code includes the big cover and Songtree groupings, as seen here:

Customization / A new AlexC-based layout
July 22, 2010, 23:43:23
This is a very very simple layout based upon AlexC-base layout.

[Lyrics, queue and songtree]

Default         = Window size=1280x800,sticky=0
VBall           = MBMenu HBStatus _HPmain HPEnd

MBMenu          = MainMenuItem PSortItem PFilterItem QueueItem
HBStatus        = Prev Stop Play Next LabelTime Length _Scale -Pref
HPEnd           = HPAbout Equalizer
HPAbout         = _AABox1(aa=artist) _AABox2(aa=album)
HPmain          = _HPpart
HPpart          = VBpart2 TBpart3
VBpart2         = _VPcenter
TBpart3        = _"Lyrics" Context _"Queue" QueueList
VPcenter       = _VBcenterdown
VBcenterdown    = HBSearch _SongTree
HBSearch        = SimpleSearch ResetFilter Refresh PlayFilter FLock -TogButton(icon=gtk-dialog-info,widget=HPEnd) -Total

Would appreciate suggestions. It's still not perfect to my taste, but I don't really know what exactly's missing.

I removed the column that show the little enqueued and playing icons to free that little extra space. However, I find that I miss a way to identify enqueued songs, specially when enqueueing with the middle mouse button, that is kinda erratic.

I miss the visual feedback, but don't think I need an extra column to do that.

Is there a way to make, for example, enqueued songs italic (same way playing song is bold).

And the extra column could come in handy for people who need to know the order of the queue (meaning the icon could be changed to reflect this, with some kind of numeration going on... but this is better discussed in the suggestions session).

Though this is also a feature request, it's more of a "can I change the code quickly to do this?"
Suggestions / Using MPD as a backend
July 05, 2010, 16:42:10
Is it possible? I really like the idea of not having my music stop when restarting X and stuff like that.
Questions / Problems with layout
June 28, 2010, 07:55:04
I am using the AlexC-base layout, and I resize some panels dragging their borders to the edge of the gmb window, making it as if they aren't even there.

However, when I close gmb and start it again, those panels will be there again.

It also happened with quodlibet-like layout, but not with "with browser".

I didn't have time to test all layouts one by one (and some of them do not have resizable panels).

Also, AlexC-compact (I think that's the name) has everything completely maximized, with no title bar or anything.  I tried changing the resolution of it, but it's like it was trying to be a fullscreen layout. I don't know how it got that way. The only way to change layouts was deleting it (which is why I don't know the exact name of the layout).

(If there's anything that's completely essential, in my opinion, is a visual way to create layouts, I hope you'll get around to it eventually).
When I hit "Next" repeatedly, browsing through my songs, sometimes the lyrics fetched will be from a previous song.

For instance, if I am listening to song A, then click the next button repeatedly to get to song D, passing through songs B and C, sometimes song D will have the lyrics set as if it was song B or C.

I am using gmb 1.0.2, so if it's something that was already fixed in recent versions, I'm sorry.
Questions / Duplicate music entries
December 24, 2009, 22:20:29
I am using gmb 1.0.2 and I am having some problems with duplicate music entries.

When I am in the Browser, with music sorted by anything except by Path, every music will be show duplicated:

Also, whenever I search any term, regardless of sorting method, it will show every entry duplicated:

This is really annoying because all that happens with sorting order happens when setting playing order. I have to use playing orders that follow the path, otherwise any song will always be played twice (sometimes it seems to play even more times than that, but I am not sure).