I already had figured out a way to get the image size about right, but that looks much more elegant, thanks.
Might as well share the complete group skin, if anyone's interested:
Might as well share the complete group skin, if anyone's interested:
Code Select
{Group length}
title= with length
title: text(pad=2, x=picsize+10, markup='<span font_desc="'.if($_expanded,normalfont,collapsedfont).'">\
<b>'.if(showartist,pesc($artist).'</b> - <b>').pesc($title).'</b><small>'.\
if(showyear && $year,' ('.pesc($year).')').\
if(showcount,' - '.pesc($nbsongs).' song'.if($nbsongs>1,'s')).\
if(showlength,' '.pesc($length)).'</small></span>',\
init_markup='<span font_desc="'.normalfont.'"> </span>',)
pic: aapic(xalign=1, w=picsize, y=title:y, init_picsize=picsize, picsize=min(left,$_h), ypad=2)
picsize : OptionNumber(default=120,min=0,max=1000,step=10)
showyear : OptionBoolean(default=1,name='show year')
showlength : OptionBoolean(default=1,name='show length')
showcount : OptionBoolean(default=1,name='show song count')
showartist : OptionBoolean(default=1,name='show artist')
normalfont : OptionFont(default='URW Palladio L 16',name='font')
collapsedfont : OptionFont(default='URW Palladio L Italic 14',name='collapsed font')