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Topics - emceekain

Questions / Filters of Filters
May 22, 2014, 00:27:03
Is there a simple way to create a filter that takes songs from certain filters, but not from others?  For instance, I want songs that match filters "A", "B", or "C", but not filter "D" and "E".  Right now, simply highlighting filters "A", "B", and "C" will give me the union (or intersection) of the 3 filters, but I would like to subject this "new" filter to further constraints.

I know I can filter based on membership of lists, so it might be something as simple as adding the ability based on membership of filters, but I'm not sure how to add that functionality...
I have a few things I would like to implement in Mosaic/Fullscreen mode.

  • I'm rather fond of the Shimmer Desktop Layout in Songtree Mode, but there's nothing better than looking at your entire collection of cover art.  Unfortunately Mosaic/Fullscreen mode have only limited sorting capabilities (i.e., artist, alphibetical (album), etc.).  I would like the capability to sort by anything (year, comment, etc.) while keeping the albums grouped of course. 
  • In particular, I would really like to sort by average song rating/album rating.  I know this quantity is calculated; as I can display it in Songtree mode; I want to use it for sorting purposes.  I made this a separate point since I can't currently sort by average rating in any mode (to my knowlege).
  • One redeeming feature of Rhythmbox is the third party "CoverArt Browser" plugin. It's very similar to the Mosaic mode with a few small differences: first, clicking on an album brings up the songlist for that album.  I can then play specific songs, edit ratings, etc.  The second (minor) difference is that the plugin creates a dropshadow behind each album, making the interface look slightly better. It would be great if I could implement these features in gmusicbrowser as well. 
I should note that "CoverArt Browser" also lets you sort by album rating, album, and artist, but that's it.