I tried to make my own layouta and started by modifying the shimmer layout. First everything worked well, but then suddenly (I don't know what changed exactly before it started) the button in the bottom (to select the behaviour of the queue, like "wait for more", "stop when empty", "auto-fill", etc.) disappeared.

Here's a picture of the buttons I'm talking about:

(it's in german but I just offers the options listed above ;)

...and here is the code from my layout:
[My Layout]
Title = "gmusicbrowser"
DefaultFocus = SimpleSearch
Default = Window(size=1920x1200)
Window = hidden=VPSongPlaylist|FilterPane2
Author = [email protected]
### main window containers: top bar, main and statusbar ###
VBMain = HBTop _HPMain
HPMain = VBLeft _VBRight
HBTop = ABButtons _15VBPlayer 10ABToggle -5ABSettings
### top bar from left to right ###
ABButtons = (yalign=0,yscale=0.0) HBButtons
HBButtons = Prev Play Next(click2=NextAlbum)
VBPlayer = 1Filler0 HBTitle HBTimeSlider
HBTitle = Title(expand_max=500,markup="<big><b>%t</b></big> ",tip=_"Title: %t (Track No. %n)",yalign=0.5,ellipsize=end) LockAlbum(stock="on:gmb-lock gmb-lockopen off:gmb-breadcrumb gmb-locklight") Album(tip=_"Album: %l (%Y)",expand_max=200,yalign=0.5,markup="<big> </big>%l ",showcover=0,ellipsize=end) LockArtist(stock="on:gmb-lock gmb-lockopen off:gmb-breadcrumb gmb-locklight") Artist(tip=_"Artist: %a",expand_max=300,yalign=0.5,markup="<big> </big>%a",ellipsize=end) -Stars(yalign=0.5)
HBTimeSlider = PlayingTime(markup="%s",initsize="XX:XX",xalign=0) _TimeSlider(direct_mode=1) -Length(markup="$length",initsize="XX:XX",xalign=1)
ABToggle = (yalign=0,yscale=0.0) HBToggle
HBToggle = ToggleButton0(relief=none,size=large-toolbar,icon=gmb-view-list,widget=VPSongPlaylist,togglegroup=1,tip=_"Simple List View") ToggleButton1(relief=none,size=large-toolbar,icon=gmb-view-tree,widget=SongTree,togglegroup=1,tip=_"Songtree View") ToggleButton2(relief=none,size=large-toolbar,icon=gmb-view-mosaic,widget=FilterPane2,togglegroup=1,tip=_"Mosaic View") Fullscreen(stock=gmb-view-fullscreen,size=large-toolbar,tip="Fullscreen View") 10Filler2 ABSearchBox
ABSearchBox = (yalign=0) SimpleSearch(suggest=1,nb=0)
ABSettings = (yalign=0,yscale=0.0) HBSettings
HBSettings = ExtraButtons(size=large-toolbar) BMSettings
BMSettings = (icon=gtk-preferences,size="large-toolbar") SMLibrary LayoutItem PlayItem SeparatorMenuItem01 MenuItem34(click1=OpenCustom(Equalizer),label=_"Equalizer",icon=gmb-equalizer) SeparatorMenuItem20 MenuItem14(command=OpenPref,label=_"Settings",icon="gtk-preferences") MenuItem05(command=Quit,label=_"Quit",icon="gtk-quit")
SMLibrary = (label=_"Library") MenuItem00(command="RunPerlCode(::ChooseAddPath(0,1))",label=_"Add Music",icon="gtk-add") MenuItem32(command="RunPerlCode(::IdleScan)",label=_"Rescan Collection",icon="gtk-refresh")
### main left: artist pane and album-cover ###
VBLeft = _VBListCover HBStatus
#VBListCover = _NBList Cover(overlay=6x6:350x350:elementary/overlay.png,default=elementary/no-cover.svg,showcover=0) # uncomment this line to add overlay shadow
VBListCover = _NBList 1Cover(default=elementary/no-cover.svg,showcover=0)
NBList = (tabpos="bottom")FilterPane1(tabtitle="Filter",nb=1,showbb=1) QueueList(songtree=1,tabtitle=_"Warteliste (%n)",tabicon="",cols="queuenumber titleaa",colwidth="queuenumber 20 titleaa 248",showbb=1,hscrollbar=0) HBLyrics VBAlbuminfo VBArtistinfo
HBLyrics = (tabtitle="Liedtext") _PluginLyrics
VBArtistinfo = (tabtitle="Interpret") _PluginArtistinfo
VBAlbuminfo = (tabtitle="Album") _PluginAlbuminfo
HBStatus = 3Total(format=short,relief=none,button=1,mode=library) -2Sort(button=1,tip=_"Right-click to toggle shuffle/random") -2Filter(button=1,tip=_"Right-click to remove filters") -2ToggleButton3(icon=gmb-picture,relief=none,size=menu,widget=Cover,tip=_"Show/Hide Cover")
### main right: list/tree/mosaic widgets ###
VBRight = _HBSongListtree Progress
HBSongListtree = _SongTree(activate=playlist, cols="playandqueueandtrack title length ratingpic",colwidth="artist 124 lastplay 107 length 49 playandqueue 19 playandqueueandtrack 20 playcount 22 ratingpic 100 title 390 titleaa 397 track 21",grouping="album|artistalbum_breadcrumbs(picsize=100)|disc|discleft(width=15)",follow=1,sort="year album disc track") _VPSongPlaylist _FilterPane2(nb=3,hidebb=1,pages=album,page_album/mode=mosaic,page_album/mmarkup=1,page_album/mpicsize=96,hidetabs=1)
VPSongPlaylist = HBFilters _HBSonglist
HBFilters = _FilterPane3(nb=1,hidebb=1,page=genre,hidetabs=1) _FilterPane10(nb=2,hidebb=1,page=artists,page_artists/lmarkup="<b>%a</b>%Y\n<small>%x « %s</small>",hidetabs=1) _FilterPane5(nb=3,hidebb=1,page=album,page_album/lpicsize=32,page_album/lmarkup="<b>%a</b>%Y\n<small>%s « %l</small>",hidetabs=1)
HBSonglist = _SongList(cols="playandqueueandtrack title artist album year length playcount",sort=artist,colwidth="album 200 artist 200 file 400 lastplay 100 length 41 path 413 playandqueueandtrack 24 playcount 96 rating 80 title 270 track 21 year 31",follow=1,sort="year album disc track")
#VBMosaic = FRToggleMosaic _VPMosaicAlbum _VPMosaicArtist
#FRToggleMosaic = (shadow=in) HBToggleMosaicClose
#HBToggleMosaicClose = ABToggleMosaic -ToggleButton6(widget=FRToggleMosaic,label="",icon="gtk-close",tip=_"Hide Artist/Album bar")
#ABToggleMosaic = (xalign=0.5,xscale=0.0) HBToggleMosaic
#HBToggleMosaic = 3ToggleButton4(widget=VPMosaicAlbum,togglegroup=2,label=" Album ",relief=none) 3ToggleButton5(widget=VPMosaicArtist,togglegroup=2,label=" Artist ",relief=none)
#VPMosaicAlbum = _FilterPane2(nb=3,hidebb=1,pages=album,page_album/mode=mosaic,page_album/mmarkup=1,page_album/mpicsize=96,hidetabs=1)
#VPMosaicArtist = _FilterPane3(nb=3,hidebb=1,pages=artist,page_artist/mode=mosaic,page_artist/mmarkup=1,page_artist/mpicsize=96,hidetabs=1)
### bottom: statusbar ### Pref(size=small-toolbar,button=0)
### positioning and sizing ###
DefaultFocus = SimpleSearch
KeyBindings = c-l SetFocusOn(SimpleSearch)

# Trayicon-Layouts

[Shimmer Traytip]
VBMain = HBTime Filler0 VBMain1
VBMain1 = HBLeft _HBRight
HBLeft = Cover(forceratio=1,default=elementary/no-cover.svg,maxsize=80) _VBText
VBText = 2HBArtist HBAlbum _2HBTitle
HBButtons = Prev(size=small-toolbar) Play(size=small-toolbar) Next(size=small-toolbar)
HBTitle = LockSong _Title(font=12,tip=_"Title: %t",ellipsize=end)
HBArtist = LockArtist _Artist(font=8,tip=_"Artist: %a",ellipsize=end)
HBAlbum = LockAlbum _Album(font=8,tip=_"Album: %l",ellipsize=end,expand_max=100) Date(font=7,markup=" <b>»</b> %y")
HBRating = Filler1  -Stars
HBTime = _TimeBar(minheight=7)
HBRight = HBButtons _2HBRating
VSize0 = 3 Filler0
HSize0 = Filler1 LockArtist LockAlbum LockSong
HSize1 = Cover HBButtons
HSize3 = 250 VBMain
VSize1 = 125 VBMain

# Groups and Columns for Songtree

{Group discleft}
title=disc on the left side
title: text(markup='<b><big>'.pesc($title).'</big></b>'.if(!$_expanded,'<big><b>»</b></big>'),pad=2,w=left))
width: OptionNumber(default=15,min=10,max=100,step=1)
line: line(x1=1,y1=1,x2=$_w,y2=1,color='#ccc',width=1)

{Group artistalbum_breadcrumbs}
title=album and artist breadcrumbs
title: text(markup='<b><big>'.pesc($album).'</big></b>'. if($year,'  <big><b>«</b></big>  '.pesc($year)) . '  <big><b>«</b></big>  '.pesc($artist),pad=2)
pic: +aapic(y=title:h+title:y,picsize=picsize,ypad=2,xpad=1,aa='album')
picsize : OptionNumber(default=100,min=20,max=1000,step=10)
picstars : picture(file=ratingpic($rating_avrg),x=(picsize/2)-(picstars:w/2),y=pic:y+pic:h,hide=$rating_avrg==50 || picsize < 80)

{Group Compact}
title: text(markup='<b><big>'.pesc($album).'</big></b>'. if($year,'\n'.pesc($year)) . '\n'.pesc($artist),pad=2,x=pic:w)
pic: aapic(y=title:y,picsize=picsize,ypad=2,xpad=1,aa='album')
picsize : OptionNumber(default=50,min=20,max=1000,step=10)

{Column queuenumber}
menutitle = Queue-Item Number
title = #
width = 20
text: text(markup=$_row+1, x=-text:w)

{Column playandqueueandtrack}
menutitle = Playing/Queue Icon or Track
title = #
width = 20
sort = track
ico: icon(pad=2,icon=$playicon, hide= !$playing && !$queued)
text: text(markup=pesc($track.' '.$queued), hide= $playing || $queued)

{Column playandqueueandtracktext}
menutitle = Playing/Queue indicator or Track (text)
title = #
width = 20
sort = track
text: text(markup=if($playing,'?',$queued,'<b>Q</b>',$track.' '.$queued))

I think the relevant part should be:
QueueList(songtree=1,tabtitle=_"Warteliste (%n)",tabicon="",cols="queuenumber titleaa",colwidth="queuenumber 20 titleaa 248",showbb=1,hscrollbar=0)

It is because you have change the queuelist behavior by turning it into a songtree named queuelist

queuelist is it's own set up variables built in (the "wait for more", "stop when empty", "auto-fill", etc)

Remove the

(songtree=1,tabtitle=_"Warteliste (%n)",tabicon="",cols="queuenumber titleaa",colwidth="queuenumber 20 titleaa 248",showbb=1,hscrollbar=0)

From the Queuelist line and the queue functions should return

You also do not have anything defined for Queue functions ... I made the following edit to that line to get the queue functions you are looking for

NBList = (tabpos="bottom")FilterPane1(tabtitle="Filter",nb=1,showbb=1) VBQueue HBLyrics VBAlbuminfo VBArtistinfo
VBQueue = (tabtitle=_"Queue") HBQueueButtons _QueueList(group=1) Total(group=1)
HBQueueButtons = EditListButtons(group=1,small=1) 4QueueActions

FYI, you can also right click in the queue anywhere to get these same functions

I think it's because you were using ochosi's ppa, there are a few changes in his version, and it is one of them (the showbb option). I plan to add it but I want to implement it differently, and haven't come around to do it yet.
Without it you have to add the buttons by using the QueueActions and/or EditListButtons widget like in VastOne's edit.

QuoteIt is because you have change the queuelist behavior by turning it into a songtree named queuelist
No, the QueueList can be a songtree without any problem

Thanks for Your help!

Quote from: Quentin Sculo on February 12, 2014, 22:29:19
I think it's because you were using ochosi's ppa, ...

Actually I'm using the tarball version from Your homepage  ;)

I added the changes the changes from VastOne
NBList = (tabpos="bottom")FilterPane1(tabtitle="Filter",nb=1,showbb=1) VBQueue HBLyrics VBAlbuminfo VBArtistinfo
VBQueue = (tabtitle=_"Warteliste (%n)") HBQueueButtons _QueueList(group=1) Total(group=1)
HBQueueButtons = EditListButtons(group=1,small=1) 4QueueActions

and finally I got the buttons back, but now all the buttons are in the top overlapping each other:

I'd like to get the "queueactions" back down!

Another smal error is that on the tab in the bottom it just shows (%n) instead of the actual number of queued tracks!

@squentin, thanks for the correction...  ::)


I would suggest this... Start with an easy and nicely laid out layout like this one

[simple with big cover modified II]
Default = Window size=800x600 FPane1 artistinfo=1 FPane2 albuminfo=1,albumpsize=32 HPmain 350_450
VolumeScroll = HPmain
Title            = %n. %S - %l (%y) - %a

HPmain = VBcontrolbrowser _TBlibrary
HSize0 = 400 TBlibrary

VBcontrolbrowser = HBcontrolpic _HBSongs _Cover
HBcontrolpic = _VBcontrol 2Filler1 -ArtistPic
  VBcontrol = HBbuttons _VBtext _Scale HBtimestars
   HBbuttons = Pref Prev Stop Play Next
   VBtext = _Title 2HBartist 2HBalbum
     HBartist = LockArtist _Artist
     HBalbum = LockAlbum _Album -Date
   HBtimestars = LabelTime Length -Stars
HBSongs = _TabbedLists2(mode=playlist, group=2)

TBlibrary = Library VPbrowse Queue VBque Lyrics Context(followselection=1)
VPbrowse = HBgenreartistalbum  VBundersearch
  HBgenreartistalbum = _FPane0(hide=1,pages=genre) _FPane1(hide=1,pages=artist,nb=2) _FPane2(hide=1,pages=album,nb=3)
  VBundersearch = HBsearch _SongList
   HBsearch = _SimpleSearch ResetFilter Sort(button=1) Filter(button=1) MBsortandplay
    MBsortandplay = LSortItem PlayItem
VBque = _QueueList(group=1) HBQueueButtons
  HBQueueButtons = EditListButtons(group=1) QueueActions

It has what you want with the queue and is also very elegant in how it is in the file... a very good learning tool and file to build your own layout on, IMO

Quote from: staubi on February 14, 2014, 14:29:47
Actually I'm using the tarball version from Your homepage  ;)
Yes, but I meant you *were* using it, and now you use my version, which doesn't have the showbb option that adds what you want.

To put it below you just have to put HBQueueButtons  after _QueueList(group=1) :
VBQueue = (tabtitle=_"Warteliste (%n)") _QueueList(group=1) HBQueueButtons  Total(group=1)
To prevent them overlapping you have to give them more room, as there are no options to make them smaller than that.

About the %n, IIRC it currently only works if the QueueList (or any SongTree/SongList) is alone in the tab.

Thanks for Your quick help!

Now it works!

I just don't get this:

Quote from: Quentin Sculo on February 14, 2014, 20:25:16
About the %n, IIRC it currently only works if the QueueList (or any SongTree/SongList) is alone in the tab.

What do You mean by "alone in the tab"?
How do I set it back to SongTree mode?

QuoteWhat do You mean by "alone in the tab"?
it means the QueueList must be the direct child of the tab, to add the buttons underneath, you need to put QueueList and the buttons in a container and the container in the tab, the container in this case is the direct child of the tab, not QueueList. So it's not currently (in my version) possible to both use the %n in the tab title and have the buttons underneath the QueueList.

QuoteHow do I set it back to SongTree mode?
simply add songtree=1 to QueueList options