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Topics - VastOne

Getting the following error when playing anything in GMB now

vmtouch: FATAL: mlock: /media/sda5/Music/mp3new/Country/Jimmy Buffett/Jimmy Buffett - Margaritaville.mp3 (Cannot allocate memory)

I just updated to the latest git version
Questions / (SOLVED) Errors after today's git update
February 01, 2015, 18:48:02
I just did a pull from git after reading that squentin has pushed a commit to add support for gstreamer-1.x and small gstreamer updates/improvements..

I am now getting this error and GMB not loading

Undefined subroutine &GStreamer1::Registry::get called at /home/vastone/gmusicbrowser/ line 91

installing gstreamer-1.0 in debian does not solve the issue
While filling the queue with the similar-artist feature, now only the artist that is playing is filling the allotted queue numbers

I used the queue several weeks ago with none of these issues and I am at the latest git version as of tonight with still the same problems. Both autofill and similar artists now do the same thing which I am assuming is the function of autofill to fill in the same artist. Nothing in terminal indicates a perl error or any other error - seems more like a change ...? ? ?

Thanks Quentin
GMB has a standard tabbed playlist layout that is 'ok' but not to my likings...

So I rewired it ... This layout has Library Context Queue and Browser Tabs for easy maneuvering through your library

Save the following to /home/yourusername/.config/gmusicbrowser/layouts/vastone-tabbed-playlist.layout

[VastOne Tabbed Playlist]
Default = size=850x675 FilterPane0(page=genre) FilterPane1(page=artist) FilterPane2(page=album,albumpsize=32,albuminfo=1) VPRight(size=230-353)
HBTitle     = Filler0 _Title
HBArtist    = LockArtist _Artist
HBAlbum     = LockAlbum _Album -Date
HBTime      = 7Prev 7Play 7Next Length(markup="$length",initsize="XX:XX",xalign=0) _TimeSlider(direct_mode=1) -PlayingTime(markup="%s",initsize="XX:XX",xalign=1)
VBmain      = HBMenubar _VBText -HBTime
HBMenubar = _MBEdit -BMSettings VolumeIcon
MBEdit = MainMenuItem PSortItem PFilterItem QueueItem SMHelp4
BMSettings = (icon=gtk-preferences,size="menu") SMLibrary LayoutItem PlayItem SeparatorMenuItem01 MenuItem34(click1=OpenCustom(Equalizer),label=_"Equalizer",icon=gmb-equalizer) SeparatorMenuItem20 MenuItem14(command=OpenPref,label=_"Settings",icon="gtk-preferences") MenuItem05(command=Quit,label=_"Quit",icon="gtk-quit")
SMLibrary    = (label=_"Library") MenuItem00(command="RunPerlCode(::ChooseAddPath(0,1))",label=_"Add Music",icon="gtk-add") MenuItem32(command="RunPerlCode(::IdleScan)",label=_"Rescan Collection",icon="gtk-refresh")
SMHelp4 = (label=_"Help") \
VBText      = HBArtist HBAlbum HBTitle
HBmain      = _VBmain 2Filler1 -Cover
HSize0      = Filler0 LockArtist LockAlbum Sort
VPPanes     = _FPane1(nb=4,hide=1,pages=album) SongTree
HPPanes     = _FPane0(nb=5, pages=artist) _VPPanes
HBSearch        = 20Label0(Search anything:) 5SimpleSearch(maxwidth=360) Total3
VBSearch        = HBSearch _HPPanes
TBlist      = "Library" VPRight "Context" Context "Queue" VBQueue "Browser" VBSearch
VBmain2     = HBmain 3Filler2 _TBlist
VBQueue = (tabtitle=_"Queue                  ") HBQueueButtons _QueueList(group=1) Total(group=1)
HBQueueButtons = EditListButtons(group=1,small=1) 4QueueActions
VolumeScroll    = VolumeIcon
VPRight = (tabtitle=_"Library                  ") HPfp0 _VBSongList
HPfp1 = FilterPane1(nb=2,pages=artist) FilterPane2(nb=3,hide=1,pages=album)
HPfp0 = FilterPane0(nb=1,hide=1,pages=genre) HPfp1
HBSongList = 10Label(Search anything:) 25SimpleSearch2(maxwidth=360) Total2
VBSongList = HBSongList _SongTree3(activate=queueinsert,activate2=addplay,songypad=1)

Then load it through layouts


Customization / Help with a layout
June 16, 2012, 20:18:37
I am working on a layout and almost have it. 

1 - Show Artist / Album / Track  instead of just the Artist is showing now

like this


2 - The Search bar to be at the top of the Library tab (when clicked) and not a tab that I have it as now, and linked to the entire Library for the search.  - Already done.

3 - If possible, a line separator of each change in alphabetical sequence where


and all the A artists

B --------------

and all the B artists


I appreciate any help

[Clementine III]
Author = VastOne
Type = G+
# Category = "Make it look like"
Title = %t by %a
Default = Window(size=80%x80%)

KeyBindings = c-J GoToCurrentSong

VolumeScroll = HBVolume

# Window = hidden=FilterPane2|FilterPane3|FilterPane4|FilterPane5|FilterPane6|FilterPane7

VBMain = HBMenubar _HPSidebarCenter HBStatusbar

    HBStatusbar = 10Total(mode=filter)

    HBMenubar = _MBEdit -BMSettings
        MBEdit = MainMenuItem PSortItem PFilterItem QueueItem SMHelp4
    BMSettings = (icon=gtk-preferences,size="menu") SMLibrary LayoutItem PlayItem SeparatorMenuItem01 MenuItem34(click1=OpenCustom(Equalizer),label=_"Equalizer",icon=gmb-equalizer) SeparatorMenuItem20 MenuItem14(command=OpenPref,label=_"Settings",icon="gtk-preferences") MenuItem05(command=Quit,label=_"Quit",icon="gtk-quit")
SMLibrary    = (label=_"Library") MenuItem00(command="RunPerlCode(::ChooseAddPath(0,1))",label=_"Add Music",icon="gtk-add") MenuItem32(command="RunPerlCode(::IdleScan)",label=_"Rescan Collection",icon="gtk-refresh")
            SMHelp4 = (label=_"Help") \

    HPSidebarCenter = VBSidebar VBCenter

        VBSidebar = ABSearchBox _NBSidebar

  ABSearchBox = (yalign=0) SimpleSearch1(suggest=1)

            NBSidebar = (tabpos=left90,typesubmenu='PC') \
                NBSidebar1 \
        Context(tabtitle=_"Context") \

                NBSidebar1 = FilterPane1(tabtitle=_"Library",tabpos=left90 \
                        page_artist/lmarkup="0|<b>%a</b>%Y <small>%s <small>%l</small></small>",\

        VBCenter = 10HBPlayer _HBSongLists 5HBSearchAndToolbar HBControls

            HBSongLists = _NBSongLists \

                NBSongLists = (typesubmenu='L') SongList(tabtitle=_"Library",mode=library,tabicon="gmb-list",cols="track artist title album length") VBQueue

VBQueue     = (tabtitle=_"Queue                  ") HBQueueButtons _QueueList(group=1)

HBQueueButtons = EditListButtons(group=1,small=1) 4QueueActions  -Total2(group=1)

            HBPlayer = (maxheight=100,minheight=100) \
                HBCover \
                5VBSongInfo \
                _VBVolume \

                HBCover = (maxheight=100,minheight=100,minwidth=100,maxwidth=100) \

                VBVolume = 100Filler3 HBVolume
                    HBVolume = \

                VBSongInfo =  \
                    _Title(yalign=0.5,minsize=0,markup="<big><big><b>%t</b></big></big>",click1="") \
                    _Artist(yalign=1,minsize=0,markup="by %a") \
                    _Album(yalign=1,minsize=0,markup="from %l")\

            HBSearchAndToolbar = _HBToolbar \
                Text1(text=_"Search:") \

            HBControls = Prev(size=small-toolbar) \
                Play(size=small-toolbar) \
                Stop(size=small-toolbar) \
                Next(size=small-toolbar) \
                _VBTimeBar \
                VBTimeBar = 2Filler0 Length(markup="$length",initsize="XX:XX",xalign=0) _TimeSlider(direct_mode=1) PlayingTime(markup="%s",initsize="XX:XX",xalign=1) 1Filler1
I have customized several layouts with the nowplaying_screenlet_popup settings

Right now I have one open with these settings

[VastOne Thin Layout tgtesting]

Window =  transparent=1
HBTime = 8Filler2 Length(markup="$length",initsize="XX:XX",xalign=0) _TimeSlider(direct_mode=1) PlayingTime(markup="%s",initsize="XX:XX",xalign=1)
#HBButtons = HBSettings
HBTitle = LockSong _Title(xalign=1.5)
HBArtist = LockArtist _Artist
#HBSettings = ExtraButtons(size=menu)
# BMSettings = (icon=gtk-preferences,size=menu) MainMenuItem PSortItem SMLibrary LayoutItem QueueItem PFilterItem SeparatorMenuItem01 MenuItem14(command=OpenPref,label=_"Settings",icon="gtk-preferences") MenuItem05(command=Quit,label=_"Quit",icon="gtk-quit")
# SMLibrary = (label=_"Library") MenuItem00(command="RunPerlCode(::ChooseAddPath(0,1))",label=_"Add Music",icon="gtk-add") MenuItem32(command="RunPerlCode(::IdleScan)",label=_"Rescan Collection",icon="gtk-refresh")
HBAlbum = LockAlbum _Album
VBText = HBArtist HBAlbum
# VBmain = _VBText -HBTime HBButtons
VBleft = _VBText
HBtop = _VBleft Filler1 -Cover(forceratio=1,maxsize=0,hover_delay=1,hover_layout_pos= -.6w x w-p+3,hover_layout=nowplaying_screenlet_popup)
# HBmain = _VBmain Filler1 -Cover(forceratio=1,maxsize=0)
VBmain = _HBTitle _HBtop HBTime
VolumeScroll = VolumeIcon

Window = transparent=1
HBmain = 2Prev(size=small-toolbar) 2Play(size=small-toolbar) 2Next(size=small-toolbar) 27VolumeIcon -BMSettings
BMSettings = (icon=gtk-preferences,size=menu) MainMenuItem PSortItem SMLibrary LayoutItem QueueItem PFilterItem SeparatorMenuItem01 MenuItem14(command=OpenPref,label=_"Settings",icon="gtk-preferences") MenuItem05(command=Quit,label=_"Quit",icon="gtk-quit")
SMLibrary = (label=_"Library") MenuItem00(command="RunPerlCode(::ChooseAddPath(0,1))",label=_"Add Music",icon="gtk-add") MenuItem32(command="RunPerlCode(::IdleScan)",label=_"Rescan Collection",icon="gtk-refresh")
VolumeScroll = VolumeIcon

I can make a change on this and switch to another layout with it's own nowplaying_screenlet_popup settings, but instead of using it's own settings from within that file, it takes on the settings from the previous layout

Type = D
Name = _"VastOne Latest"

Category = gmb-art

SkinPath = gmb-art_skins/arkanoid_skin

Window =  transparent=1

#DefaultFontColor= white

VBmain = \
    HBTitle  \
    HBArtist \
    HBAlbum \
    -HBTime \
    -Cover(forceratio=1,maxsize=280,hover_delay=1,hover_layout_pos=  .5w x w-p+55,hover_layout=nowplaying_screenlet_popup)

    HBTitle = _Title LabelsIcons

    HBArtist = _Artist

    HBAlbum= _Album
    HBTime = Length(markup="$length",initsize="XX:XX",xalign=0) _TimeSlider(direct_mode=0) -PlayingTime(markup="%s",initsize="XX:XX",xalign=1)
    VolumeScroll = VolumeIcon

Window = transparent=1
HBmain= Prev(size=small-toolbar) Play(size=small-toolbar) Next(size=small-toolbar) 62Filler VolumeIcon -BMSettings
BMSettings = (icon=gtk-preferences,size=menu) MainMenuItem PSortItem SMLibrary LayoutItem QueueItem PFilterItem SeparatorMenuItem01 MenuItem14(command=OpenPref,label=_"Settings",icon="gtk-preferences") MenuItem05(command=Quit,label=_"Quit",icon="gtk-quit")
SMLibrary = (label=_"Library") MenuItem00(command="RunPerlCode(::ChooseAddPath(0,1))",label=_"Add Music",icon="gtk-add") MenuItem32(command="RunPerlCode(::IdleScan)",label=_"Rescan Collection",icon="gtk-refresh")
VolumeScroll = VolumeIcon

If I completely delete the nowplaying_screenlet_popup settings from within the first file and refresh the layouts, then I get the settings from the second file ... But when I go back to the original, these settings from the second file are maintained on that one

I have tried exiting GMB completely and restarting after the changes but the same behavior happens..

Cannot find a cure for this one...

Next... I have a small request, if possible to please put a Re-load Layouts button on the same page as Settings/Plugins/Desktop Widgets.  I am constantly editing from within that page and think a Re-load Layouts button would be great

Next - I can only seem to get the new hover functions to work on the same line and joining a cover function like this
HBtop  = _VBleft Filler1 -Cover(forceratio=1,maxsize=0,hover_delay=1,hover_layout_pos=  -.6w x w-p+3,hover_layout=nowplaying_screenlet2_popup)

The question is, will it only work along with the Cover (   ) parameters or can you attach the parameters along with other functions?


Using the following as a guide and some discussion with squentin on the IRC, I have tweaked some of my desktop widgets to reflect the changes

Quoteadd hover_layout_pos option to control position of hover_layout popups

-each coordinate can be given using a sum of number of pixels or
proportion of the widget size (w), screen size (s), or popup size (p)
-the default reference point is the upper right of the widget, unless the
position is preceded with "abs:" in which case the reference point is 0,0
-if the position is only in w or s, a "smart alignment" of the popup is done:
the popup will be centered, or left aligned if on the left border (0w or 0s),
or right aligned if on the right border (1w or 1s)
examples :
".5w x w" : center bottom of widget, equivalent to ".5w-.5p x w-p"
"abs: .5s x 0" : center top of screen, equivalent to "abs: .5s-.5p x 0"
".5w x w-p-10" : 10 pixels above center bottom of widget
example of use :
Cover(hover_delay=1, hover_layout_pos=.5w x w, hover_layout=some_layout)

This code

Window        = size=240x240,transparent=1
VBmain= Artist(xalign=.5) Album(xalign=.5) Title(xalign=.5) HBTime _Cover(forceratio=1,hover_delay=1,hover_layout_pos=.5w x w,hover_layout=nowplaying_screenlet2_popup)
HBTime        = Length(markup="$length",initsize="XX:XX",xalign=0) _TimeBar(direct_mode=1) PlayingTime(markup="%s",initsize="XX:XX",xalign=1)

Window = transparent=1
HBmain= 12Prev 12Play 12Next 12VolumeIcon 12BMSettings
BMSettings = (icon=gtk-preferences,size=menu) MainMenuItem PSortItem SMLibrary LayoutItem QueueItem PFilterItem SeparatorMenuItem01 MenuItem14(command=OpenPref,label=_"Settings",icon="gtk-preferences") MenuItem05(command=Quit,label=_"Quit",icon="gtk-quit")
SMLibrary = (label=_"Library") MenuItem00(command="RunPerlCode(::ChooseAddPath(0,1))",label=_"Add Music",icon="gtk-add") MenuItem32(command="RunPerlCode(::IdleScan)",label=_"Rescan Collection",icon="gtk-refresh")
VolumeScroll = VolumeIcon

Has the timer at the top and the pop ups at the bottom

This one moves the time to the bottom and adjust the popup to go below the timebar

[nowplaying_screenlet2 VastOne Now]
Window = size=240x240,transparent=1
VBmain= Artist(xalign=.5) Album(xalign=.5) Title(xalign=.5) _Cover(forceratio=1,hover_delay=1,hover_layout_pos=  .5w x w-p+60,hover_layout=nowplaying_screenlet2_popup) _HBTime
HBTime = Length(markup="$length",initsize="XX:XX",xalign=0) _TimeSlider(direct_mode=1) PlayingTime(markup="%s",initsize="XX:XX",xalign=1)

Window = transparent=1
HBmain= 12Prev 12Play 12Next 12VolumeIcon 12BMSettings
BMSettings = (icon=gtk-preferences,size=menu) MainMenuItem PSortItem SMLibrary LayoutItem QueueItem PFilterItem SeparatorMenuItem01 MenuItem14(command=OpenPref,label=_"Settings",icon="gtk-preferences") MenuItem05(command=Quit,label=_"Quit",icon="gtk-quit")
SMLibrary = (label=_"Library") MenuItem00(command="RunPerlCode(::ChooseAddPath(0,1))",label=_"Add Music",icon="gtk-add") MenuItem32(command="RunPerlCode(::IdleScan)",label=_"Rescan Collection",icon="gtk-refresh")
VolumeScroll = VolumeIcon

Some notes from IRC

.5w x w-p-10 would move it up 10 pixels

.5w x w-p+35 would move it down 35 pixels

.5w x w+0 effectively disables the smart-align

Is it possible to create a new line outside of a container..  In the image you see the time bar and where it is placed..

I would like to have it underneath the entire layout expanded across below.  I have tried several options but cannot seem to move just that line below the entire field

Here is the code

[VastOne Thin Layout]

Window =  transparent=1
HBTime = Length(markup="$length",initsize="XX:XX",xalign=0) _TimeSlider(direct_mode=1) -PlayingTime(markup="%s",initsize="XX:XX",xalign=1)
HBButtons = 7Prev(size=small-toolbar) 45Filler2 Play(size=small-toolbar) -Next(size=small-toolbar)
HBTitle = LockSong _Title
HBArtist = LockArtist _Artist -HBSettings
HBSettings = ExtraButtons(size=menu) BMSettings
BMSettings = (icon=gtk-preferences,size=menu) MainMenuItem PSortItem SMLibrary LayoutItem QueueItem PFilterItem SeparatorMenuItem01 MenuItem14(command=OpenPref,label=_"Settings",icon="gtk-preferences") MenuItem05(command=Quit,label=_"Quit",icon="gtk-quit")
SMLibrary = (label=_"Library") MenuItem00(command="RunPerlCode(::ChooseAddPath(0,1))",label=_"Add Music",icon="gtk-add") MenuItem32(command="RunPerlCode(::IdleScan)",label=_"Rescan Collection",icon="gtk-refresh")
HBAlbum = LockAlbum _Album -VolumeIcon
VBText = HBTitle HBArtist HBAlbum
VBmain = _VBText -HBTime HBButtons
HBmain = _VBmain Filler1 -Cover(forceratio=1,maxsize=0)
# VBBottom = HBTime
VolumeScroll = VolumeIcon

I am trying to wrap my head around something I was discussing on the IRC with squentin.  I wanted to post here so that more can see it and because it is a lot easier to get all this information on the forum

I use this as a type D Desktop Widget .. everything works great..

[vastone-desktop II]
Type= D
Window = transparent=1
DefaultFontColor= white
VBmain= HBtitle HBartist HBalbum Cover(minsize=300,maxsize=300,xalign=.5) TimeBar -HBButtons -HBTime
HBalbum= Album(markup="$album")
HBartist= Artist(markup="$artist")
HBtitle= Title(markup="$title_or_file")
HBButtons =  Prev Play Next 1Filler1 -HBSettings -VolumeIcon
HBSettings = ExtraButtons(size=menu) BMSettings
BMSettings = (icon=gtk-preferences,size=menu) MainMenuItem PSortItem SMLibrary LayoutItem QueueItem PFilterItem SeparatorMenuItem01 MenuItem14(command=OpenPref,label=_"Settings",icon="gtk-preferences") MenuItem05(command=Quit,label=_"Quit",icon="gtk-quit")
SMLibrary = (label=_"Library") MenuItem00(command="RunPerlCode(::ChooseAddPath(0,1))",label=_"Add Music",icon="gtk-add") MenuItem32(command="RunPerlCode(::IdleScan)",label=_"Rescan Collection",icon="gtk-refresh")
HBTime = Length(markup="$length",initsize="XX:XX",xalign=0) -PlayingTime(markup="%s",initsize="XX:XX",xalign=1)
VolumeScroll = HBButtons

But I want to add a PlayItem to the menu that does the same thing as in my layout for the main player..  squentin has told me that PlayItem must be in a menu container (it is) and be associated with a SongTree/SongList which in this Type D (it is not)

Here is the the question..  Can you associate with the players already defined SongTree/SongList in a pseudo method or like a symlink would?

I ask this because if you have a LayoutItem defined in a MBMenu on the main player type g+ layout, it will not display in a Type D that is running at the same time.. So it is reading from the main player layout in some method ... If I remove LayoutItem from MBMenu on the main players type g+ layout, it then works fine in the above

Can you do the same with Type D to read what is already there in the players type g+ layout? Only the existing SongTree/SongList

I want to be able to read and use information from SongTree/SongList without actually having one in this Type=D

Or the correct way of using SongTree/SongList in a Type D

I have completed

How To - Conky, Music and Cover Art - 2 Methods for 18 Apps on the #! forums which includes GMB

Since I am getting private mail here on how to configure conky and GMB, I thought it would be appropriate to post it here

Customization / foobar2000 layout
October 11, 2011, 15:47:09
Never used foobar2000 but I have found a layout for GMusicBrowser that was inspired by it...

Thanks to s7dhansh at deviantart for the creation...
Questions / Congrats! and an FYI
October 09, 2011, 14:51:10
Congratulations Quentin on the release of v1.1.8!

Everything is working perfectly...!!

Questions / Cue support
September 09, 2011, 01:19:01
SQuentin...  Any more thoughts on cue support and when it may be implemented?

I do not use them but a couple of friends were asking about it.

Customization / Conky Lua GMB layout
September 07, 2011, 18:27:08
I created a Conky Lua and combined customized GMB layouts to get a pretty slick results..

If anyone is interested in it, let me know...
I am using Fedora 15 and with it there is a program that is highly recommended to use for codecs called fedoraplus.

I used it but kept getting the following error with GMusicBrowser

pa_stream_writable_size() failed: connection terminated

causing failure every three to 25 seconds...

I was not having these issues on another Fedora 15 build that played GMB perfectly and I did not use fedoraplus on

I used fedoraplus again to remove all the codecs it had installed and instead used the following

gstreamer-plugins-bad gstreamer-plugins-bad-extras gstreamer-plugins-ugly


ffmpeg ffmpeg-devel ffmpeg-libs ffmpeg2dirac ffmpeg2theora gstreamer-ffmpeg

and everything works perfectly..

I just wanted to pass this along in case anyone else ran into it
Questions / New issues in Natty build
March 30, 2011, 05:07:50
Nothing new was updated on my GMB setup, but something has come through the Natty updates that is now causing the following message on both squentin and the shimmer project build:

Gtk2::TrayIcon not found -> tray icon won't be available not found
-> gstreamer output won't be available.

Again, everything on both are up to date and had been working fine. I noticed that the tray icon was missing so I ran from terminal and the above lines are the first displayed.

I also use a trayicon from .config and have never had an issue until today...

Also MPRIS2 seems to be no longer working as GMB is not showing up in the volume tray anymore in Natty but it is working fine on the xfce Natty build...(shimmer) .. 
Customization / VastOne Cover Layout
March 14, 2011, 16:09:57
I have finalized a cover layout that needs a bit of background explanation...

About a year ago I was on a Conky Ubuntu Forum thread and predicted that in time, someone would figure out how to use Conky to completely control a music player from the desktop...

Fast Forward to my first days talking to Quentin and how excited I was that I could bring Conky to the GmusicBrowser world (which I did)...

Quentin was very gracious and mentioned that I could replicate my conky layout with a desktop cover widget, my reply was that I liked the control and options that Conky gave me...

I finally took Quentin's advice and have created a cover layout that does just what I predicted.

The great thing about this layout is everything is clickable and editable from wherever you place it.  To edit the song. simply right click the title, same with Artist and Album and even changing the Cover by right clicking on them  

The controls are obvious and you can use the bottom area to scroll the volume up or down.  There is also a Preference button and an Exit button...  

I like using this after I set my play list or queue from the main player, it is more flexible than the tray layouts that have controls and it is always on the desktop...

Oh, and I also do not need to waste the resources on a Conky layout, just as Quentin had predicted.

If I am making too big a deal out of this, I apologize... To me it is fantastic to be able to do what you want in so many different ways with GMusicBrowser

Here is the code, which will also be included in Aboettger's Master Layouts....

and at mine

Type= D
Name= _"VastOne Song & Cover"
Window =  transparent=1
DefaultFontColor= white
HBTitle = _Title LabelsIcons
HBArtist = _Artist
HBAlbum = _Album
HBButtons = 2Prev(size=small-toolbar) 5Play(size=small-toolbar) 5Next(size=small-toolbar) 22Filler1 Text(markup=$bitrate B/R) -Quit(size=menu) -Pref(size=menu) -VolumeIcon  
HBTime = PlayingTime(markup="%s",initsize="XX:XX",xalign=0) _TimeSlider(direct_mode=1) -Length(markup="$length",initsize="XX:XX",xalign=1)
VBmain = -HBButtons 2HBTitle 2HBArtist 2HBAlbum HBTime -Cover(forceratio=1,maxsize=0)
VolumeScroll = HBButtons

Just load this up from the Desktop Widgets Plugin and place it where you want it.. I have a monster screen, so 375*375 looks really good for a size for me, of course you can place wherever and change many options on color...

Is it possible to display Bit Rate (_bitrate) in any type of layout?  If not, could I request this to be added?

I have a major mix of music that sometimes knowing bitrate is the best way to know where and what a song is from.. or worth listening to

If it could display like a _Album or _Artist function does, that capability would be perfect for a layout I am working on... For a tray layout and a desktop layout through widgets...

Customization / VastOne tray layout
February 26, 2011, 18:53:56
Customization / VastOne GLC layout
February 24, 2011, 23:45:30
Removed Queue from Right, Optional now on Left Tabs giving more options for playlist and queue.

Right click on any left side tab to open the Queue or Playlist as a Tab

Layout files is here

and the view can be seen at